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naval dead sea guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Turkish Ottoman naval officers at a Dead Sea base

between 1914 and 1917

Taken either by the American Colony Photo Department or its successor, the Matson Photo Service

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

gallopoli guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Turk soldiers, Gallipoli

Photograph shows Ottoman soldiers during the Gallipoli campaign which took place

on the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Ottoman Empire (now Gelibolu, Turkey)

between April 1915 and January 1916 during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2013)

between 1915 and 1916

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

abdul halim said pasha vizier guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Abdul Halim (x) & his brother (xx) at Austrian Front

Photograph shows Prince Abdul Halim and his brother at the Austrian front during World War I.

The brothers are possibly the sons of Ottoman Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha (1865-1921).

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2014)

1916 June 23

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Full 1750_01.jpg
abdul halim vizir vizier said halim pasha guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18
armored auto guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Armored auto, Turkey


Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

machine gun guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Turkish soldiers under German command near the Dardanelles

Photograph shows Turkish soldiers with machine guns perched atop earthen bunkers.

c1915 Jul. 29

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

ship boat weapon 155 gun guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Landing a 155 mm gun at Sedd-el Bahr

Photograph shows warships near the Gallipoli Penninsula, Turkey

during the Gallipoli Campaign of World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)


Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

trenches guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Turkish trenches

American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Dept., photographer

1917 or 1918

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

trenches guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Turkish officer and view of trenches

American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Dept., photographer

1917 or 1918

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

casualties guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Tell el Ful battle Turkish casualites

American Colony (Jerusalem). Photo Dept., photographer

1917 or 1918

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

djemal pacha trommer guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Djemal Pasha with Trommer Pacha & staff

Photo shows Ottoman Turkish leader Cemal Pasha (1872-1922)

with German military officer Bruno von Trommer Pasha and staff,

possibly at Gallipoli, Turkey during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012 and Axis History Forum)

between 1914 and ca. 1915

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

djemal pacha frankenburg ottoman guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Djemal Pacha & Capt. Von Frankenburg

Photo shows Ottoman Turkish leader Cemal Pasha (1872-1922)

with German Captain von Frankenburg (1868-1933),

commander of the Asia Korps (Asien-Korps) during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

jamel pasha guerre mondiale premiere ww1 turkey  dünya savaşı türkiye 14 18

Jamal Pasha;

Larsson, Lewis (Photographer)

ca. 1914-1917

American Colony in Jerusalem Collection

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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