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Humphreys camp poster.jpg
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Beginnings of Fort Belvoir, VA along the shore of the Potomac River - May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Engineers Truck Company, Camp Humphreys, VA c1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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Industrial railway at Camp Humphreys, VA ca1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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Negro section, Camp Humphreys VA ca1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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Railroad 15 miles in length used between dock on Potomac R. and Camp Humphreys, VA ca1918 NARA165-WW-524F-002

Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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Railroad trestle, 62 ft. high, constructed by Engineers at Camp Humphreys

[14 gas locomotives 100 cars & 15 miles of track] ca 1918

NARA 165-WW-524F-020

Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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YMCA Amphitheatre at Camp Humphreys, VA ca1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group RG:165, Training Camps and Schools

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International Harvester sloped hood Auto Wagon at Camp Humphreys, VA - May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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3,000 feet of lumber per flat car being hoisted up the incline on the RR

to Camp Humphreys May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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5 ton Mack trucks at the Accotink Railroad Station on the RF&P RR May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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70 tn locomotive operated by Corps of Engineers on the spur line

between Accotink and Camp Humphreys, VA May 1, 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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75 hp hoisting engine used to haul loaded cars up the 800 ft.

incline on the Camp Humphreys railway - May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Bolting rails to steel ties for the Industrial railroad at Camp Humphreys, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Major L'Enfant Training Camps humphreys virginia wwI ww1 world war great usa afe photo archive nara guerre 14 18
Training Camps 088.jpg

Pierre Charles L'Enfant,

né le 2 août 1754 à Paris

et mort le 14 juin 1825

à Chillum (Maryland),

est un ingénieur civil et architecte franco-américain.


Il a élaboré les plans de la capitale des États-Unis d'Amérique, Federal City, aujourd'hui connue sous le nom de Washington, DC.

Gov't Steamer Major L'Enfant on the Potomac River

approaching Camp Humphreys, Belvoir, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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SS Major L'Enfant at the dock for 102nd Engineers at Camp Humphreys, VA

[original camp site] May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

WWI Tiny Train Humfreys camp (190 x 142)
Training Camps humphreys virginia wwI ww1 world war great usa afe photo archive nara guerre 14 18

Industrial railway at Camp Humphreys - May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Training Camps humphreys virginia wwI ww1 world war great usa afe photo archive nara guerre 14 18

Industrial railway at Camp Humphreys - May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Laying the track on planks over leveled ground at Camp Humphreys, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Loading 5 tn Mack trucks with RR and construction material at Newington Sta. Accotink. VA,

Camp Humpreys, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Looking up the 800 ft. incline with cable lift on the Camp Humphreys railway, May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Newington to Fort Belvoir.jpg

This 7-mile line, built in 1917, stretched from Accotink Station on the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad

(CSX today) in Newington to Fort Belvior, a post about

10 miles south of Alexandria.


The line was used to serve coal for heating at both the post itself as well as a nearby government prison, along with other miscellaneous freight.

Railroad operations along the line ceased in 1993.


The line from the CSX connection to a local road is still largely intact but overgrown.


The trackage along the remainder of the line has been removed.

Thanks to Tim Moriarty for contributing information about this route.

Main line of RF&P RR at Accotink with Camp Humphreys Spur running off to the left, May 1, 1918 NARA111-SC-010001-ac

Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Manual land fill for the spur line to Newington [RF&P RR] , Camp Humphreys VA May 1. 1918 NARA111-SC-009995-ac

Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Narrow gauge RR showing 3 Baldwin gasoline locomotives on the 1.5 mile line

from Belvoir on the Potomac to Camp Humphreys, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Recently installed hoisting engine takes 2 cars up the incline, Camp Humphreys, VA May 1918 NARA7_1280111-SC-009899-ac

Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Steam traction powers excavation machine [Herman & Inshur General Contractors, Marquette, MI] Camp Humphreys, VA 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Thew steam shovel in RR cut near Accotink, Trestle No. 2 in distance,

Camp Humphreys, VA May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Train of 2 cars starting out from Belvoir to Camp Humphreys May 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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U. S. E. D. No. 1 steam locomotive Mogul 2-6-0

on the spur between Accotink and Camp Humphreys, VA May 1, 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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New Army Engineers learning their trade at Camp Humphreys VA 1917


Source of Photograph: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress.

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