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evian les bains refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Evian les Bains


Andree and Marie.

American Red Cross Hospital for Children. Evian les Bains. Chatelet Hospital

between 1917 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Comité Américain pour les Régions Dévastées de France

American Committee for the Devastated Regions of France

A woman in a military uniform is aiding a woman with two small children.


American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

A repatriated French lad who was a prisoner in Germany for 18 months.

His father still remains in the prison camp, but his mother and six brothers and sisters

have also been repatriated and are in the Hautes-Pyrenees with other refugees

November 1917

Photographer : Davis.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

evian les bains refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Evian les Bains


Jean "Has beaten pneumonia."

A.R.C. Hospital for children. Evian les Bains.. Chatelet Hospital

between 1917 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

courneuve paris refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



The explosion at la Courneuve near Paris knocked down

the walls and scattered glass over the babies who were in these cribs.

The ARC nurses who helped still marvel that there was no loss of life

May 1917

Photographer : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

sainte foy argentiere refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Sainte Foy l'Argentière


Chateau des Halles. Home for convalescent repatrie children at St. Foy l'Argentiere.

Five youngsters tucked snug in bed. Louis, the happiest, has been there longest

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer  : A.R.C. Headquarters in Paris

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)




thann reims poperinghe blois refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918





Little girls in the colony of the Comite Franco-Americain

pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontiere, at Blois.

These children come from Reims, Poperinghe, Thann, les Ardennes and all along the zone of fire which the bombardment had forced them to evacuate.

There are 43 little girls in this colony.

In addition to their school work the children are taught house-keeping, laundry work and sewing.

The more delicate children work in the garden

November 1917

Photographer  : Davis

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Enfants adoptés.


between 1917 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jonchere paris refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Gymnastic exercises on the terrace at La Jonchere,

the Sanatorium of the Comite Franco-Americain pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontière,

in which the delicate children from all the colonies of the Committee are placed

for observation, special medical care and special diet.

The building in which the sanatorium is installed is situated on an elevation one-half hour

from Paris, and is generously loaned to the Comite by Madam Philippe Berard and her three sons who are at the front.

The sanatorium accommodates 50 children and is under the special protection of

Mrs. Roberts Woods Bliss

November 1917

Photographer  : Davis.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

evian les bains refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Evian les Bains


Little brother and his best nurse. A.R.C. Hospital for children. Evian les Bains . Chatelet Hospital

between 1917 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

normandy refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Colonies scolaires des Enfants de l'Yser.

A sewing lesson in the park of one of colonies in Normandy

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

tuberculose refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

A child who dies of tuberculosis because of the war

November 1917

Photographer : Davis

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

paris refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Shows bad housing conditions of refugees in Paris

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

pas de calais refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Refugees from the Pas-de-Calais.

 The father, a miner with his wife and four children fled losing all they possessed. Illness

added to their misery: the mother died of tuberculosis laryngitis.

Although the man is in poor health himself, he works in a mind,

but as the place is exposed to shelling, he was worried about his children,

so the Comité pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontière two took of the young ones

November 1917

Photographer : Davis

bavarian refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

First aid practice of Bavarian youngsters who are imbued with the spirit of the times

December 1917

Photographer: Underwood and Underwood.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Group of repatries children ready to start for games out of doors

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer: Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

toul refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918




French children are good but they don't always like to brush their teeth

May 1917

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)


Saint Valery en Caux

Saint Valery en Caux.jpg

Colonies scolaires des Enfants de l'Yser.

Children mending their clothes

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer: Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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