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marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Photograph shows a tirailleur, an infantry man in uniform from an army

from French Equatorial Africa, possibly Senegal, preparing to assist France during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service, publisher

1914 Oct. 5

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

pow prisoner marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Senegalese soldiers will join their French comrades behind them in captivity in Germany

Source of Photograph: Western Michigan University Libraries, Kalamazoo MI

 [non-commercial use]

Recently captured by Bavarian troops, these Senegalese soldiers will join their French comrades behind them in captivity in Germany.

The German caption calls these colonial troops "Franzoesische Kulturtraeger" ("Conveyors of French Culture") to highlight the Allies' dependence on colonial forces for their security. 1916

marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Algerian soldiers

Photograph shows Algerian soldiers in Europe during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service photograph collection

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Algerian soldiers

Photograph shows Algerian soldiers in Europe during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service photograph collection

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

champigny sur marne marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Champigny sur Marne

Champigny sur Marne.jpg

At Champigny -- giving wine to Algerian troops

Photograph shows people giving wine to Algerian soldiers at Champigny-sur-Marne, France,

during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service photograph collection

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Types from France's colonial troops

Spahis from Algeria


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

furnes veurne belgique marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Furnes - Veurne

Furnes - Veurne.jpg

Spahis of Algeria at Furnes

Photograph shows North African troops on horseback in a street, Furnes (Veurne), Belgium

during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service photograph collection

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

villeroy neufmontiers marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Red Cross train stopped at a wayside station in France

to allow wounded Algerians of the French Army to leave the train for a stretch

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

villeroy neufmontiers marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Chauconin - Neufmontiers

Chauconin - Neufmontiers.jpg

Turcos Examining War Booty at Neufmontiers

Photograph shows Algerian tirailleurs (infantry soldiers) at Chauconin-Neufmontiers, France

during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service, publisher

Neufmontiers: Marocains examinant leur butin de guerre

Translation: Neufmontiers: Moroccans examining their spoils of war.

Source: Gallica Digital Library website and Flickr Commons project, 2011


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

villeroy neufmontiers marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur

Wounded Moroccan on stretcher

Photograph shows a wounded soldier from Morocco on a stretcher during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Bain News Service, publisher

between 1914 and 1918

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

villeroy neufmoutiers compiegne ribecourt marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur



French succoring wounded German

Photograph shows French Moroccan soldiers, between Villeroy and Neufmoutiers, France,

caring for a wounded German soldier during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

French caption:

"Entre Villeroy et Neufmoutiers: marocains soignant avec sollicitude un blessé allemand."


Between Villeroy and Neufmoutiers: Moroccans care with concern for a german casualty.

(Source: Gallica Digital Library website and Flickr Commons project, 2011)


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

compiegne ribecourt marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur



Spahis (?) from Morocco in Ribecourt

Bain News Service, publisher

between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress

compiegne ribecourt marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur



Spahis in camp at Arsy after battle

Photograph shows Moroccan French soldiers around a fire, probably in Ribecourt, France

during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011 and Gallica Digital Library website)


French caption:

"A Ribecourt: un campement de spahis marocains."

Translation: At Ribecourt, an encampment of Moroccan spahis.

(Source: Gallica Digital Library website and Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

compiegne ribecourt marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur



Ribecourt -- Dragoon & Spahi Patrols meet

Photograph shows a patrol of cuirassiers (left) (mounted cavalry soldiers)

and the first Moroccan Spahis (right) at Ribecourt, France, during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)


French caption

"A Ribecourt: une patrouille de premiers cuirassiers et de spahis marocains."


At Ribecourt: a patrol of cuirassiers and the first Morrocan Spahis.

(Source: Gallica Digital Library website and Flickr Commons project, 2011)

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

compiegne ribecourt marocain spahi algerien senegalais tirailleur



Spahi Convoy in Forest of Compiegne

Photograph shows Moroccan Spahis on horseback and in carts on a road

in the Compiegne Forest, France, during World War I.

Flickr Commons project, 2011)

French caption:

"Les Spahis Marocains traversant la forêt de Compiègne.

" Translation:

Maroccan Spahis cross the forest of Compiègne.

(Source: Gallica Digital Library website and Flickr Commons project, 2011)

1914 Nov. 12

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Algerians, Moroccans, Senegalese, Indochinese coloniale troupe guerre 14 18

Moroccan soldiers rebuilding

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress

Algerians, Moroccans, Senegalese, Indochinese coloniale troupe guerre 14 18

Near Alger.

Baraki, a construction of hangar of dirigibles

January 1918.

Photographer : French Official.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)



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