WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 3
Pvt. Charles P. Green, 20th Engineers 46 years old, of Utica Montana
He returned on Saxonia wearing five wound chevrons and the Congressional medal.
He lived with Indians in
South Dakota, went to the Philippines with the Infantry in 1898,
lined up with Capt. Piet Hass' battry on side of Boers, raised band of crow Indian scouts and offeredthem to government during the Mexican trouble and finally was put out of commission at Soissons

Pvt. Charles P. Green, 20th Engineers at Hoboken
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111
Author of : 'Ballads of the Black Hills', a collection of Crow Indian songs.


Lt. George Chadsey Dorsey of Chicago, 148th American Aero Squadron, Remaisnil, Somme, France 9-13-18
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


Lt. F. R. Clark, 79th Div. and Raymond S. Tompkins, correspondent for Baltimore Sun,
Etraye, Meuse, France.
Nov. 11, 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

3 Signal Corps photographers who filmed Armistice negotiations
[SFC Edward Schneider, PVT Wm. B. Gunshor, at the wheel, & Lt. F.O. Harrs seated in Ford Car
Nov. 12, 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Saint Juvin

Sgt. Chas. E. Mace, Sig, Corps Photographer, in the action at St. Juvin, Ardennes, France
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111
Lt. O.A. Browning
Capt. J.H. Smith

370th Colored Inf. Croix de Guerre winners returning Hoboken
Western Newspaper Union
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Capt. G.M. Allen

Lt. Roy B. Tisdell

Lt. Col. Otis B Duncan

Major J.R. White

Capt. D.J. Warner

Lt. P. Hurd

Capt. W.B. Crawford