WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages

Fordson tractor in use at Lake Erie College by Woman's Lane Army of America ca1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, Record Group 165; Women's War Activities.

Patriotic Toledo girls plowing Liberty Gardens near the City ca1917
Source of Photograph: National Archives, Record Group 165; Women's War Activities.


American Committee for Devastated France donated McCormick Titan tractor,
Blérancourt, Aisne, France 1917
Source of Photograph: National Archives, Record Group 165; War Relief
American Committee for Devastated France.


American Committee for Devastated France donated McCormick tractors
to increase food production, Blérancourt, Aisne, France 1917
Source of Photograph: National Archives, Record Group 165; War Relief
American Committee for Devastated France.

Oliver Chilled Plow Works, Southbend, IN ca1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, Record Group 165; Women's War Activities.

Liberty Garden on the Boston Common – 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Food Production

PS 88 [Queens, NY] 1.5 Acre Liberty garden Dr. J H Rohrbach, Principal in center background – 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Food Production
At the time
the McElwain Shoe Factory was the largest shoe factory in the world World.

Rotary Club Liberty Garden [McElwain factory in background] Manchester NH 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Food Production

Francis King, Boy Scout, who has signed the U.S. Food Administration
pledge and canned the produce of his garden 1917
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Boys - Working

Girl Scouts working garden under Food Admin. Program
at 13th St. & Iowa AV, Washingotn DC ca1918 -1
Source of Photograph: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress).

Girl Scouts working garden under Food Admin. Program
at 13th St. & Iowa AV, Washingotn DC ca1918 -2
Source of Photograph: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress).

Girl Scouts working garden under Food Admin. Program
at 13th St. & Iowa AV, Washingotn DC ca1918 -3
Source of Photograph: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress).
Moline front wheel
drive tractor

Mrs. Henninger doing a man's work to win the war Aug 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use
The State Prison in Wisconsin participated
in the food production program of the US Food Administration.
The whole Country participated in
the support of the War.

Avery 8-16 and 12-25 tractors plowing at Wisconsin State Prison, Madison - 1917
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

Holt 75 caterpillar tractor working a beet field Mar. 22, 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste

Avery Yellow Fellow Threshing machine and tractor [C. Venard] Peoria IL - ca1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste
Public School 88 still exists in the Queens;
the Liberty Garden
these boys are tending
is long gone.
Boys from P.S. 88 Queens NY working in a Liberty Garden 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste
Either a Best
or a Holt tractor.

Combination barley harvester and thresher in action, So. California Aug, 19, 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste
Boston was a leading city
in the promotion of Liberty Gardens to ease
the world hunger caused by
The Great War.
Various citizen groups planted and tended
to the crops.

Andrew James Peters

Mayor Peters turns over the first row sod on Boston common ca1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste
Boston was one of
the first cities to turn over public land for groups to use for Liberty Gardens.
Here is the Mayor
plowing up
the Boston Commons
to be used
for food production.

Mayor Peters, Boston, runs a Case tractor in war gardens ca1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste

Training in plowing before deployment to Italy - July 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165 Food Administration - Anti Waste
During World War 1,
Europe was starving
as the war disrupted
food production.
America agreed to sell hundreds of tractors to
the Italian Government in 1918.
The US Food Administration worked with the US Army
to provide trained soldiers
to assist the Italians
with operating and maintaining these tractors.
Here we see a group of soldiers being 'schooled' in the use of Wallis tractors
at the J. I. Case Plow Company plant in Racine, WI.

Avery tractor driving a threshing machine Mar 22, 1918
[Underwood & Underwood]
Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Food Production
As the country slid into World War I, rationing began and we see the grocer punching the woman's cards for the things she bought that day.
He is supposed to instruct his customers on how not to waste food.

Above the butcher with his handy saw hanging beside him is a fly paper hung over the light fixture with a goodly supply of dead flies.
Local grocery store in DC ca1917
Source of Photograph: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress.