WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages

Gen. John Joseph Pershing, Commander-in-Chief U. S. Forces in France
Source: 'Great War' by George Allen

Gen John. [Black Jack] Pershing's arrival in France on June 13. 1917
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel


Gen. Pershing's arrival in Paris - 1917
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Gen Foch and Gen. Pershing - 6-17-1918
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Gen. Pershing stepping in to command car somewhere in France - 1917
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Rene Besnard, Under Sec. of State for War Ministry, Gen. Pershing and Gen. Dumas in France 1917 NARA165-WW-411B-005
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel


Gen. Pershing, CINC of Am. Expeditionary Forces and Admiral W. S. Benson,
Chief of Naval Operations preparing to greet Pres. Wilson in France 1918
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Close up pf Gen. Pershing by Lt. Rode 10-19-18
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

President Wilson and General Pershing leaving after reviewing 10,000 American Troops
near Langres, France 12-25-18
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Gondrecourt le Château

General Pershing reviewing the 88th Inf. Div. near Gondrecourt France with his son - Apr. 1919
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Gondrecourt le Château

Warren Pershing and Col. Charles Lincoln at Divison Review near Gondrecourt France 4-19-1919 NARA165-WW-411B-057
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel
While Pershing was
on assignment, he learned that his wife and
two daughters had died
in a tragic fire.
Only his 6 year old son survived.
Warren bears his mother's maiden name.
When the World War had ended General Pershing called for his son to come
to France and witness what everyone hoped would be the last war that humans would suffer.

Sec. of War Baker, Warren Pershing, son of Gen. Pershing and Sgt. Joseph Weltz,
guardian for Warren who was traveling on SS Leviathan to France - 1919
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

John J. Pershing, Commanding General of the Army, New York City, 9-9-1919
Source of Picture: National Archives Records Group 165, Personnel

Gen Pershing leading the Victory Parade 1918
Source of Photograph: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress.

Gen 'Jack' Pershing riding on Kidron in the Victory Parade in Washington DC Sept 17, 1919
National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress)

Pictures of Gen. Pershing with his horse, Kidron, by 2LT L. J. Rode, Signal Corps 10-19-18
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


Gen. Pershing and his horse, Kidron, Chaumont, France 10-19-18
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111