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Jouy sur Morin

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jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Jane Jeffrey (later Ricker)

in her World War I Red Cross nurse uniform,

wearing the

Distinguished Service Cross she received for bravery while serving

at a military hospital

in France.

jane jeffrey ricker nurse jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime
jane jeffrey ricker brookline nurse jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime
jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Interior of tent American Red Cross hospital at Jouy, which was attacked by German Aviators

on the night of July 15.

Two hospital orderlies were killed, and 14 persons injured, of whom nine were orderlies,

four patients and one American Red Cross nurse.

No possible doubt exists as to the deliberate character of the raid as the hospital was marked by

an immense white canvas cross on the lawn, which has been proved by photographs taken from

an airplane, to be distinctly visible several thousand feet in the air,

and seven witnesses agree that the Boche Aviators came down to within several hundred feet

to make observations before dropping their bombs.

The white spots in the photograph show a few of the holes torn in tent

by flying fragments of shrapnel


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Interior of tent American Red Cross hospital at Jouy which was attached by German aviators

the night of July 15.

Two hospital orderlies were killed and 14 persons were injured, of whom 9 were orderlies,

four patients and one American Red Cross nurse.

No possible doubt exists as to the deliberate character of the raid as the hospital was marked by

an immense white canvas cross on the lawn which has been proved by photographers taken from

an airplane to be distinctly visible several thousand feet in the air and seven witnesses agree

that the boche aviators came down to with a few hundred feet

to make observations before dropping their bombs.

The white spots in the photograph show a few of the holes torn in the tent

by flying fragments of shrapnel


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Interior of tent American Red Cross hospital at Jouy, which was attacked by German Aviators on the night of July 15.

Two hospital orderlies were killed, and 14 persons injured, of whom nine were orderlies,

four patients and one American Red Cross nurse.

No possible doubt exists as to the deliberate character of the raid as the hospital was marked by

an immense white canvas cross on the lawn, which has been proved by photographs taken from

an airplane, to be distinctly visible several thousand feet in the air,

and seven witnesses agree that the Boche Aviators came down to within several hundred feet

to make observations before dropping their bombs.

The white spots in the photograph show a few of the holes torn in tent

by flying fragments of shrapnel


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Interior of tent American Red Cross hospital at Jouy, which was attacked by German Aviators

on the night of July 15.

Two hospital orderlies were killed, and 14 persons injured, of whom nine were orderlies,

four patients and one American Red Cross nurse.

No possible doubt exists as to the deliberate character of the raid as the hospital was marked

by an immense white canvas cross on the lawn, which has been proved by photographs taken

from an airplane, to be distinctly visible several thousand feet in the air,

and seven witnesses agree that the Boche Aviators came down to within several hundred feet

to make observations before dropping their bombs.

The white spots in the photograph show a few of the holes torn in tent

by flying fragments of shrapnel


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Holes large and small were made all over tents by fragments of shrapnel when the ARC hospital

at Jouy was attacked by German aviators July 15, 1918.

Two tents were entirely destroyed, two persons killed and fourteen injured


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Outside of one of the tents at the ARC Hospital at Jouy, showing the effects of fragments of shrapnel.

This picture was taken after the attack by German aviators on the night of July 15, 1918.

Two persons killed and 14 injured and 2 tents destroyed

September 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Wounded American soldiers arriving at American Red Cross hospital at Jouy, July 16th,

the day after the hospital was deliberately bombed by German Aviators.

Although two tents were destroyed, 2 persons killed and 14 injured,

the hospital was able without delay,

to care for the large number of cases brought in the following day


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

American wounded arriving at the American Red Cross hospital at Jouy

the day after the hospital was bombed by German aviators July 15, 1918

July 16, 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

American wounded arriving at the ARC hospital at Jouy

the day after the hospital was bombed by the German aviators July 15, 1918


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

American wounded arriving at the American Red Cross hospital at Jouy

the day after the hospital was bombed by German aviators July 15, 1918

July 16, 1918.

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

The ARC Hospital at Jouy received a large number of wounded American soldiers

the day after the hospital was bombed by German aviators July 15.

Two persons were killed in the raid and fourteen injured, and two tents were destroyed

July 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Two patients outside the isolation ward at the ARC hospital at Jouy

who are none the worse after the bombing of the hospital by the German aviators July 15, 1918 when two persons were killed and 14 injured and two tents destroyed


July 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Portable heater used for providing hot water and hot drinks for patients

in the American Red Cross hospital at Jouy

July 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Kitchen police at the American Red Cross hospital at Jouy

which was bombed by the German aviators July 15/18.

These are the heros that have the thankless but essential job of feeding

between seven and eight hundred people


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jouy sur morin hopital hospital 107 WW1 1914 1918 guerre geneve crime

Cortland S. Wheeler, American Red Cross representative at Jouy Hospital

which was bombed by German aviators July 15


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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