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woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

An American Aviator saluting Miss Givenwilson,

chief of the canteen at a large aviation camp in France

ca 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

Miss Givenwilson,

chief of the canteen at a large aviation camp in France

ca 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

At the Aviation Camp of the American Army at Issoudun, France.

A Lt. in the Aviation, Miss Givenwilson, head of American Red Cross Canteen at the camp,

and a Sentinel on guard

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

At the Aviation Camp of the American Army at Issoudun, France.

Miss Givenwilson, head of American Red Cross Canteen at the camp, 

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

Group of American aviators and American Red Cross workers at A.R.C.

This canteen is situated at Issoudun, France.

Miss Givenwilson in charge, in front of the workers quarters

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

Irene Givenwilson

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

A small loan library has been established for the American soldiers

in the American Red Cross canteen at Issoudun

and one of the canteen workers is assigned to take care of the books.

The library is very much appreciated by the men

13 September 1918

Photographer : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

in the sherburne line
Unleavened bread
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
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Some of the volunteer workers, from all over the United States,

who aid Miss Indefatigable, the head of the establishment,

to make this Red Cross cantine the success it is

Photographer : Lt. E.A. Lee, 6 Mai 18,

Givenwilson,  23 Mai 18,

A.E. Brever, 23 Mai 18,

Miss Freeman.

Miss (?) 25 Mai,

Mr. Donalson 18 Juin 18.

May 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

Irene Givenwilson

woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson
woman war ww1 guerre femme 14-18 red cross croix rouge irene givenwilson

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