WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages

Midvale Steel
Ordnance Company
1915: The heyday of trusts may be over,
but huge financial interests still have plenty of power over big industry
(railroads, oil, steel, etc.).
A new company buys practically all the stock of the old company;
with the ownership change also come management changes,
and acquisitions of steel companies
at Johnstown, Coatesville,
and Eddystone
Forging 14 in. shells with steam hammer at Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co. Mar. 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG:111; American Military Activities
Midvale Steel
Ordnance Company

Grinding shell at Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co.s Mar 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG:111; American Military Activities

Grinding shell at Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co.s Mar 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG:111; American Military Activities

Shell manufacture at Midvale Steel and Ordinance Co., Nicetown Philadelphia, PA Mar 1918 NARA111-SC-006183-ac
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG:111; American Military Activities

Dipping rifles in oil before shipment, Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co. Eddystone PA Apr. 1918 NARA111-SC-007314-ac
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Shift change at Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co. Eddystone, PA Apr. 1918
[Lt. N. McDonald, photo.]
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Box like structure with pipes leading up to a large stove pipe are ovens for heating the steel part before being put in the hammer.
Line of drop hammers in forge shop, Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co. Eddystone, PA Apr. 1918 NARA111-SC-007332-ac
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Frankford Arsenal
In the first years of the twentieth century,
and through World War I, Frankford Arsenal
produced mainly small arms ammunition—a new cartridge factory facility was installed in the old Rolling Mill.
Woman munition worker's uniform in use at Frankford Arsenal - Apr. 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Rear view of woman's uniform Frankford Arsenal Apr. 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Women worker wearing the official uniform at the Frankford Asenal, Phila. PA ca,1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co, - row of motors undergoing official 1 hour test. Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111
Willys-Morrow Co

Willys-Morrow Co, manufacturing Curtiss OX-5 airplane engines, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co, milling joint face on the motor base and oil pan, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co. - adjusting cam-followers on Curtiss OX-5 motor, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co. Belt Test of Curtiss OX-5 motors. Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co. completed Curtiss OX-5 motor, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co. dynamometer test, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow Co. mounting cylindersd on crank case, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Willys-Morrow plant, manufacturing Curtiss OX-5 motors, Elmira, NY 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111
Henry Disston & Sons

Henry Disston & Sons factory in Philadelphia, PA 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Henry Disston & Sons, mill yard with steel billets, Phila, PA 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Henry Disston & Sons Chemical Laboratory, Philadelphia PA Nov. 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Henry Disston & Sons, Lab assistants in the Balance Room Nov. 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Henry Disston & Sons, employees celebrating the news
that German had surrendered Philadelphia, PA Nov. 7, 1918
Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111