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Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

In Marseille, on the street of the old tower, Fatima, an Arabian, being shown

an American Red Cross poster which a gamin translates for her

27 August 1918 

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

[close up]

In Marseille, on the street of the old tower, Fatima, an Arabian, being shown

an American Red Cross poster which a gamin translates for her

27 August 1918 

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

[close up]

In Marseille, on the street of the old tower, Fatima, an Arabian, being shown

an American Red Cross poster which a gamin translates for her

27 August 1918 

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

In the house No. 16 Rue St. Antoine, Marseille. French, Arabian and Greek families

27 August 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Zuleka lives in a house in Marseille which is occupied by 65 other families.

Her two sick babies were a menace to the health of the other children who swarmed about them, until they were given attention by the American Red Cross.

Picture taken especially for the Woman's Home Companion by the American artist H.B. Bachman

December 7, 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Although they cannot understand the strange language of the ARC magazine they are looking at, these Marseille children have reason to know the ARC means real help for them in improving

the wretched conditions in which they live

24 July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marseille, France.

Refugee children from Belgium, happy while in the care of the American Red Cross

March 1919

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Patients in ARC dispensary in Roman ruins, Marseille

between 1914 and 1920

Photographer: Mr. D. Pierce

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

A matter of interest to the children of Marseille.

ARC workers taking supplies to the ARC children dispensary in an old Roman tower,

a glimpse of which can be seen in the background

24 July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

[close up]

A matter of interest to the children of Marseille.

ARC workers taking supplies to the ARC children dispensary in an old Roman tower,

a glimpse of which can be seen in the background

24 July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

sillenings Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Dr. Sillenings and his original staff of nurses

who established the ARC dispensary for children at Marseille

July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

sillenings Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Dr. O.H. Sillenings in charge of the ARC children's dispensary at Marseille

July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

sillenings Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Dr. Sillenings and his staff who work at the children's dispensary at Marseille

July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

ARC nurses preparing the babies' food in the ARC children's dispensary at Marseille

July 1918

Photographer: A.R.C. Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

ruddick harlburt Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marseille, France.

This rock bound coast of Marseilles is part of the leave area of the American Red Cross

for it's personnel.

 In the picture are Capt. Otis C. Ruddick, A.R.C., of 653 Tyler Place, West New York, N.J.

and Mrs. Katherine Leigh, of 4252 Shenandoah Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

28 Feb. 1919

Caption: Capt. Marseille Ruddick of Transportation Dept. of Marseille, A.R.C.

and Mrs. Harlburt, Director of Army and Navy Service. Marseille

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marseille, France.

Exterior of a hospital at Marseille, France

between 1914 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

german prisonier prisonnier allemand pow Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Close-up of German prisoners of war at mess Camp Miramas, near Marseille, France

Signal Corps U.S.A.

August 22, 1918

Photograph shows German prisoners of war preparing food in outdoor kitchen.

United States. Army. Signal Corps, photographer

Photographic supplement to historical record of quartermaster corps activities, A.E.F

(Library of Congress)

german prisoner prisonnier allemand pow Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

The open air kitchen used by German prisoners while a new mess hall and kitchen is being erected Camp Miramas, near Marseille, France

Signal Corps U.S.A.

Photograph shows German prisoners of war cooking in large pots in outdoor kitchen.

August 19, 1918

 In album: Photographic supplement to historical record of quartermaster corps activities, A.E.F

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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