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cesar aillard adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

César Aillard, adopte.

Address: Boul. Roumieu 10 Quartier des Grottes, Marseille.

protege of: Co. C, 310 Labor Bn. QMC, American Expeditionary Forces, c/o Capt. F. Titus

12 November 1918.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

edmond esposito  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Edmond Esposito, adopte.

Address: Mme. Esposito, Avenue Saint Just, Marseille (B du Rh.)

rotege of: Ohio Rainbow Reveille Supply Company, 166th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces

29 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

[close up]

Playgrounds were one of the features of the Red Cross Baby Saving Shows in Lyon and Marseille.

173,000 people attended the exhibit in Lyon.

This picture shows a tug of war on the Boys playgrounds.

There was a playground for girls too, and another for babies,

each in charge of Americans, trained recreational experts

2 October 1918

Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

marcel mersch courbet adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marcel Mersch, adopte.

Address: 32 Rue Chateaubriand, Marseilles (B. du. R.) protege of: Troop C, 3rd Cavalry Adv.

Section S.O.S. Am. Ex. Forces

29 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

marcel mersh courbet  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

[close up]

Marcel Mersch, adopte.

Address: 32 Rue Chateaubriand, Marseilles (B. du. R.) protege of: Troop C, 3rd Cavalry Adv.

Section S.O.S. Am. Ex. Forces

29 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

yvonne lemaire  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Yvonne Lemaire, adopte.

Address: Maison Armand-Vallon-Riaux l'Estague Blage Marseille,

protege of: Mess Thirty-Lightning Division (Chaplain SM Robinson) 78th Division Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces

4 December 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

emile pailhas  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Emile Pailhas.

Address: 51 Rue St. Lambert. Marseille (Bouches du Rhone)

protege of: Supply Co. 318, APO 38, American Expeditionary Forces

24 Feb. 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

marie louise adulant  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marie Louise Adulant, adopte. (B-du R)

Address: Traverse dex (Seues-Marseille) (?)

protege of: Co. A. 327th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces

4 December 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

rosalie retbi  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Rosalie Retbi, adopte.

Address: 12 Rue Vielle Mennaie, Marseille (Bouches du Rhone).

protege of: Base Hospital Staff of Hospital #18, A.P.O. 731, American Expeditionary Forces

17 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

elise gentil  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Elise Gentil.

Address: 3 Rue Sollier, Marseille (B. du. R.)

protege of: Co. B. 340th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces. Belond-les-Toul (France)

24 Feb. 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

claire piano  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Claire Piano.

Address: 12 Place Beausejour, Marseille (Bouches du Rhone)

protege of: 1 & 2 Bn. 303 Ammunition Train. American Expeditionary Forces

24 Feb. 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jeanne marie arry  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Jeanne Marie Arry, adopted.

Address: Madame Arry, 27 Rue de Gare, Marseille (B. du R.)

protege of: Ordinance Officers on Duty with Ordinance Detachment O.C.O.O., A.P.O. 717,

American Expeditionary Forces

20 February 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress

marguerite massebrio massobrio  adopte orphan orphelin Marseille croix rouge red cross WW1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre mondiale

Marguerite Massebrio.

Address: Mme. Vve. Francois Massobrio. 3 Rue Charvet. Marseille (B du R)

protege of: 15th Company 4th Regt. Mechanics.

2nd Aviation Instruction Centre. c/o L.J. Stone

ca. 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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