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 Miss Kitchener at A.R.C. Headquarters Paris.

In the background boy scouts who serve as messenger boys to A.R.C.

20 May 1918.

Photographer : ARC Paris

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Lord Kitchener

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Miss Kitchener, sister of Lord Kitchener with ARC car

which she uses in her work caring for refugee children from the war zone

April 1918.

Photographer : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Miss Kitchener and Miss Thompson of the AMERICAN RED CROSS showing some of the garments made by the refugee women at Dinan from goods supplied by the AMERICAN RED CROSS

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Miss Kitchener of the AMERICAN RED CROSS (sister of Lord Kitchener)

and a French officer with a group of convalescent Moroccan soldiers

in the courtyard of a hospital at Dinan, which is assisted by supplies from the AMERICAN RED CROSS

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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French soldiers in a hospital at Dinan which was a convent before the war,

nvestigating the treasures of the AMERICAN RED CROSS comfort bags

given to them by Miss Kitchener, and representative of the AMERICAN RED CROSS

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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In the courtyard of what was formerly a convent at dinan, now a hospital,

Miss Kitchener (sister of Lord Kitchener), who is an AMERICAN RED CROSS worker,

and a French officer are helping the sisters of the convent

to distribute AMERICAN RED CROSS bags among the convalescent soldiers

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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French soldiers opening their AMERICAN RED CROSS comfort bags at Dinan.

 This was formerly a convent and is now a hospital assisted by supplies from the AMERICAN RED CROSS. The sisters take care of the wounded soldiers.

Miss Kitchener, representative of the AMERICAN RED CROSS and sister of Lord Kitchener, is seated by the window

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Contributions to the comfort of soldiers from America and from England are accumulated

in this AMERICAN RED CROSS store-room at Dinan.

The picture shows Miss Kitchener of the AMERICAN RED CROSS (sister of Lord Kitchener)

and Lieut. Chamberlain giving AMERICAN RED CROSS comfort bags to a group of French soldiers

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Miss Kitchener, representative of the AMERICAN RED CROSS and sister of Lord Kitchener, giving AMERICAN RED CROSS comfort bags to French soldiers in the store room at Dinan.

Many articles from America and England for the soldiers are stored here

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Dinan, Group of workers at Dinan where the AMERICAN RED CROSS

maintains a Vestiare for refugees and a workroom where goods are given to the refugee women

to make into garments for themselves and their children.

The AMERICAN RED CROSS also contributes supplies to the hospital at Dinan.

Miss Kitchener of the AMERICAN RED CROSS, sister of Lord Kitchener, is in the center of the group

September 1918

Photographer : Guerin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Miss Kitchener, sister of Lord Kitchener, in her uniform as worker for the American Red Cross

between 1916 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Miss Kitchener, sister of Lord Kitchener, a worker of A.R.C.

She has charge of a thousand refugee children

19 March 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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