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rennes mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation



The American Red Cross is responsible for the work in France for the re-education of the mutile.

At the end of the summer session the Red Cross offered prizes in a competition in agriculture.

Here is a student working with a plow, showing the apparatus

which takes the place of the left arm lost in battle


Photographer : Henri A. Coles - Miss Harper Rey

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

rennes mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation




The American Red Cross was responsible for the great success of

the re-educational plan for French mutiles.

At the end of the Fall term a competition was held, and prizes awarded.

The picture shows a student working with apparatus, trying for one of the prizes,

and is able to demonstrate that although maimed, he is able to plow this field


Photographer : Henri A. Coles - Miss Harper Rey

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

renns mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation




The American Red Cross was responsible for the success of the plan

for the re-education of the French Mutile.

At the end of the Fall term a competition was held, the students working with full apparatus.

 Here are the students reaping, using their artificial arms in the process


Photographer : Henri A. Coles - Miss Harper Rey

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

rennes mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation




The American Red Cross conducted a school

for the re-education of French mutiles at Rennes, France.

A competition was held, the men working with apparatus.

They are shown here hoeing, one man with his right arm missing and the other

using the apparatus in place of the left arm, lost in battle


Photographer : Henri A. Coles - Miss Harper Rey

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

paris mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation



Pupils of the School for the Professional Re-education of Mutiles at 28 Av. De Tokio, Paris.

The school is under the direction of

the Union des Colonies Etrangères en Faveur des Victimes de la Guerre.

The men are taught English and bookkeeping.

The American Red Cross has done diet kitchen work in this institution as well as supplying

some of the men with artificial limbs

December 1918

Photographer: ARC France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

montpellier mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation



Montpellier, France.

A school for French mutiles was conducted by the American Red Cross

for the re-education of those who were so wounded in the war

as to make pursuit of their former occupations impossible.

They are taught trades and made to feel that they are not a burden to the community.

Miss Grace Harper, chief of the Bureau, is tallking with one of the pupils

January or 14 Feb 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles - Miss Harper Rey

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Floor exercise to ascertain correct adjustment of artificial limb

ca. 1918 or 1919

Photographer Mr. Cunibetti.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

twin six mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation



His own twin six.

"Twin Six" is the name this crippled French soldier has given to his wheel chair

which came to him as a present of the American Red Cross.

The war cripples of France are far from disconsolate.

To watch hundreds of them every afternoon taking their exercise in the Tuileries gardens

one would think they had not a care in the world.

 This young hero is only one of the hundreds of war cripples who have been helped to

an enjoyment of life by the American relief workers in France

March 1920

Photographer: Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation

Boy Scout assisting mutile who has lost both legs and has come down

to the Red Cross office to have artificial limbs fitted.

AMERICAN RED CROSS Boy Scouts assisting a mutile who has lost both legs.

This soldier has come to the AMERICAN RED CROSS to have artificial limbs fitted

September 1918.

Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940, photographer

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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A wood turner, Montpelier School

4 March 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

port villez belgique ecole mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation

Port Villez

Port Villez.jpg

Machine shop at the Belgian School. Port Villez, (Eure)

4 March 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Some mutilated soldiers at a Red Cross Hospital

1 March 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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New legs for old.

Tommy with new belt-crutch, can pelt the Kaiser to his heart's delight

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer: International Film Service

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation

Two French soldiers with legs from the American Red Cross factory

for artificial limbs taking their first lesson in walking

between 1914 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

roehampton london bonia kansas british mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation


Londres - London.jpg


Workmen make new limbs for British Tommies at the Roehampton hospital workshops near London.

On the left M.V. Bonila of Kansas City, Mo., demonstrates the use of an artificial arm and hand

to a British private for whom it is being made


American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

roehampton bonia kansas british london mutile guerre 14 18 ww1 handicap prothese amputation


Londres - London.jpg


Workmen make new limbs for British Tommies at the Roehampton (London) hospital and workshops.

The Artificial limb expert, J.A. Swaine of Indianapolis shows the British soldier the new leg

which he has just completed for him.

One of his assistants, on the left, demonstrates with his own artificial leg


American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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