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andre dumas montpellier herault orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

André Dumas, adopte.

Address: 3 Rue Ecole de Pharmacie Montpellier (Hérault)

protege of: Battery "E"-3rd Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

rene vernieux saint denis seine orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

René Vernieux, adopte.

Address: 44 Rue de la République, Saint Denis (Seine)

 protege of: Park Battery, 2nd Corps, Art. Park, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

renée lambert saint etienne lore orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Renée Lambert, adopte.

Address: 31 Rue des Forges, Saint Etienne (Loire)

protege of: Co. D, 306th Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

marie novel aix les bains savoie orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Marie Novel, adopte.

Address: Maison Rivellier Avenue Saint Simon Aix-les-Bains (Savoie)

protege of: Ambulance Co. 339, 310th Sanitary Train, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

emma lamont aurillac cantal orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Emma Lamont, adopte.

Address: 35 Rue des Forgerons Aurillac (Cantal)

protege of: Officers, Base Hospital #12, U.S.A., c/o General Hospital #18, A.E.F. France

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

annette prugnard paris orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Annette Prugnard, adopte.

Address: 12 Rue Alphand Paris, 13 ème,

protege of: Headquarters, 301st Sanitary Train, A.P.O. 773, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin                   

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

alphonse canton yvoire nernier haute savoi orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Alphonse Canton, adopte.

Address: Yvoire, par Nernier (Haute-Savoie)

protege of: Officers of Staff, Base Hospital H-45, A.P.O. 784, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

suzanne narce courpalay seinemarne grand bream orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Suzanne Narce, adopte.

Address: Grand Bream par Courpalay (Seine & Marne)

protege of: 1st Battalion, 10th Infantry, c/o Chaplain Thomas G. Speere,

American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

germaine marichy branges saone loire orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Germaine Marichy, adopte.

Address: Mme. Vve. Marichy-Geoffrey - Branges (Saône et Loire)

protege of: 63rd Artillery C.A.C. Battery B., American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

albert chartier digoin saon loire orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Albert Chartier, adopte.

Address: Rue Emile Zola. Digoin (Saône et Loire)

protege of: Headquarters Co. 66th Artillery C.A.C., American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

virginia severn lannebert lanvollon cotes armor nord orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Virginia Severn, adopte.

Address: Lannebert par Lanvollon (Cotes du Nord)

protege of: Co. C. 10th Engineers Forestry, American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

maria courcelle lorette loire orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Maria Courchelle, adopte.

Address: 15 Rue Nationale - Lorette (Loire)

protege of: Battery F. 66th Artillery C.A.C., American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

robert tricot airon clermont oise orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Robert Tricot, adopte.

Address: Airion par Clermont (Oise)

protege of: Battery B, 50th Artillery C.A.C. (A.P.O. 728), American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

leon humphrey malhapiez le pescher correze orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Leon Humphrey (Malhapiez), adopte.

Address: Le Pescher (Correze)

protege of: 1st Battalion 102nd Infantry, Care of Chaplain Thomas G. Steers,

American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jeane marie couchoron port launay finistere orphan orphelin enfant adopté américain us ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Jeanne Marie Couchoron, adopte.

Address: Port-Launay (Finistère)

protege of: Supply Co. 328th Field Artillery, A.P.O. 711, American Expeditionary Forces

15 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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