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orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 marie ann doarer kerfeunteun quimper finistere

Marie-Anne Doarer.

Address: Parte-Transque (?). Kerfeunteun (Finistère)

protege of: Enlisted Personnel Q.M.C. Hqrs. 282nd Division, APO 744 A., American Expeditionary Forces. c/o Chief Clerk

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 raymonde dutay paris

Raymonde Dutay.

Address: 19 Rue de Belleville, Paris, 19 eme

protege of: Co. E. 25th Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 charlotte gioda octroi villefranche mer alpes maritimes

Charlotte Gioda.

Address: Quartier de l'Octroi, Villefranche-sur-Mer (Alpes Maritimes).

protege of: 125 Field Hospital, c/o Capt. H. Ober, Room 62, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 albert dumortier casamene dromard besançon doubs

Albert Dumortier.

Address: Casamène, Maison Dromard, Besançon, (Doubs)

protege of: Base Hospital No. 36, APO 732, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 arthur duhamelle riom puy de dom

Arthur Duhamelle.

Address: Planche Bailleul, Riom. (Puy de Dôme)

protege of: Square and Compass Club, A.S.P.C. No. 2

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 paul desprez orniez fruges pas de calais

Paul Desprez.

Address: Rue du Pont, Orniez, Fruges. (Pas de Calais)

protege of: 825 Aera (Repair) Squadron, APO 713, A, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 georges frebault nevers nievre

Georges Frebault.

Address: 6 Rue de la Raie, Nevers (Nièvre)

protege of: Co. C. 308th Machine Gun Bn. 78th Division, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 marcel jougla tougla florenac herault

Marcel Jougla. (Tougla)

Address: 3 Rue Libérale à Florensac, (Hérault)

protege of: Co. F, 107th Engineers. American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 clemant mignot norville valognes manche

Clément Mignot.

Address: Norville par Valognes, (Manche)

protege of: M. Marc Weil, 322 Postal Telegraph Bldg. Chicago, Ill. U.S.A.

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 joseph gonnet piolenc vaucluse

Joseph Gonnet.

Address: Piolenc (Vaucluse)

protege of: 21st Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces, c/o Chaplain W.H. Morgan

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 marcel robert rigaut courville eure loir

Marcel Robert Rigaut.

Address: Mme. Rigaut, 11 Rue Sully, Courville-sur-Eure (Eure & Loir),

APO 713, American Expeditionary Forces

29 April 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 marcel noel paris

Marcel Noël.

Address: 56 Passage Châtelet, Paris, 17 ème,

protege of: Finance & Accounting Division Chief Surgeon's Office, c/o Sgt. Geo. S. Olds, Med. Dept. Tours (Indre & Loire)

11 March 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918  alexandrine dollo pluzunet cote armor nord

Alexandrine Dollo.

Address: Pluzunet, (Côtes du Nord)

protege of: Hqrs. 655 Aero Supply Squadron, American Expeditionary Forces

29 April 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 georgetteseure beaune cote or

Georgette Seure.

Address: 28 Rue Sylvestre Chauvelat, Beaune, (Côte d'Or)

protege of: 21st Field Artillery. American Expeditionary Forces. c/o Chaplain W.H. Morgan

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin adopte americain guerre 14-18 1914 1918 cecile letourneur pont arche eure

Cécile Letourneur.

Address: Rue Haute. Pont-de-l'Arche (Eure)

protege of: Aerial Gunnery School St. Jean-de-Monte (Vendee) c/o Lt. A.B. Kerney

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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