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orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain josph mae mac cuing montrejean haute garonne

Joseph Mae.

Address: Mme. Marie Mac, au Cuing, par Montrejean (Haute Garonne),

APO 723. American Expeditionary Forces

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain pierre graux varinfoy betz oise

Pierre Graux.

Address: Varinfroy, par Betz, (Oise)

protege of: Colorado Woman's Auxiliary of U.S. Army, c/o Miss Mathilde Handy,

208 Empire Building, Denver, Colo., U.S.A.

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain renee guiardey girardet auxelles bas giromagny territoire belfort

Renée Guiardey.

Address: Mme. Vve. Girardet, Auxelles-Bas, par Giromagny, (Territoire de Belfort)

protege of: Supply Co. 70th Artillery (CAC), APO 733. American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain marguerite frey paris

Marguerite Frey.

Address: 67 Rue Myrrha, Paris. 18 ème.

protege of: Construction Department, Office of Chief Surgeon, Hospitalization Division,

American Expeditionary Forces. c/o Lt. G.E. Russell. S.C.

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain genevieve asselin pithiviers loiret

Geneviève Asselin.

Address: 90 Faubourg Gâtinais. Pithiviers. (Loiret)

protege of: Enlisted Men, Base Hospital No. 12, U.S.A. c/o General Hospital No. 18,

British Expeditionary Forces. France

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain tagette fagette cecile chatelard bauges savoie

Cécile Fagette. (Tagette)

Address: Le Châtelard-en-Bauges, (Savoie)

protege of: c/o Chaplain Patrick J. Lyon, 10th Field Artillery, APO 740. American Expeditionary Forces

29 April 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain henri mouchard pont arche eure

Henri Mouchard.

Address: Place des Champs. Pont-de-L'Arche (Eure)

protege of: Refrigerating Plant No. 1. APO 705, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain simone mas sousceyrac lot

Simone Mas.

Address: Sousceyrac (Lot),

protege of: Hqrs. Co. 66th Artillery, C.A.C., American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain madeleine delaunay quevert dinan cote armor nord

Madeleine Delaunay.

Address: Malaunay, Commune de Quévert par Dinan (Côtes du Nord)

protege of: Camp Hospital No. 22, A.S. APO 714, American Expeditionary Forces

29 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain etiennette maisoneire lyon rhone

Etiennette Maisonneire.

Address: 35 Rue Victor Hugo, Lyon (Rhône)

protege of: Officers of Co. B. 38th Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain georges rouget grand virey tonnerre yonne

Georges Rouget.

Address: Grand-Virey, par Tonnerre (Yonne)

protege of: Camp Hospital No. 30, APO 725, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain andre laffargue masseilles grignols gironde

André Laffargue.

Address: Masseilles, par Grignols (Gironde)

protege of: Battery A., 43rd Artillery CAC. American Expeditionary Forces

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

andre montieus montilas chalus haute vienne

André Montieus. (Montilas)

Address: Chalus (Haute Vienne)

protege of: 21st Field Artillery, c/o Chaplain W.H. Morgan. American Expeditionary Forces

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain andree suzanne taillandier failander pillet vierzon bourgneuf cher

Andrée Suzanne Taillandier. (Faillandier)

Address: au Pillet Vierzon-Bourgneuf (Cher)

protege of: Battery A, 43rd Artillery, C.A.C., American Expeditionary Forces

11 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin enfant guerre 14 18 adopte americain lucienne fleureau flericeau chaline spuis chaussy loire

Lucienne Fleureau.  (Flecireau)

Address: Mme. Chaline, Spuis-Chaussy (Loire),

protege of: 636th Aero Squadron, 2nd Aviation Instruction Centre, American Expeditionary Forces

5 March 1919

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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