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enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 deepres mauricette lisieux calvados

Deepres, Mauricette.

Address: 19 Rue Lecouturier, Lisieux (Calvados)

protege of: c/o E-62 Telegraph Bn. APO 754, A.E.F.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 dourflinge robert plaine saint denis seine

Dourflinger, Robert.

Address: 4 bis, Impasse Trezel, La Plaine Saint Denis Seine,

protege of: Hqrs. A.O.S. Detachment Camps, U.S. Troops, APO 741, A.E.F.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 dubern clément mont de marsan landes

Dubern, Clément.

Address: 21 Rue St-Jean d'Août, Mont de Marsan (Landes)

protege of: Signal Corps Telephone Unit, District of Paris c/o Miss F. Paine, APO 702, A.E.F.

29 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 dublin alice dubin paris rue pressoir

Dubin, Alice. (Dublin)

Address: 8 Rue du Pressoir, Paris 20 ème.

protege of: Aerial Gunnery School. St-Jean-de-Monte (Vendée)

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 franc louis toulouse haute garonne

Franc, Louis.

Address: 18 Rue du Béarnais, Toulouse, Haute Garonne,

protege of: Ordinance Dept. O & T Center #1, T.A. APO 911, A.E.F. Libourne (Gironde)

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 gilbert eliane gisy nobles pont yonne

Gilbert, Eliane.

Address: Gisy-les-Nobles, Par Pont-sur-Yonne (Yonne)

protege of: Signal & Q.M. Detchs., APO 711, A.E.F.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 girault raymonde tour indre loire

Girault, Raymonde.

Address: 128 Rue Febvotte, Tours (Indre et Loire)

protege of: 443 Truck CO., M.T.C. Camp 8, B.S. #1, APO 701, A.E.F

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 brenugat michel heri jean saint brieuc cote nord armor

Brenugat, Michel. (Henri Jean)

Address: 22 Rue des Jardins, Saint-Brieuc (Côtes du Nord)

protege of: Officers & Enlisted Men, Intermediate Ordinance Depot 2, APO 713, AEF


Photographer : M. Colin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 pochard louise chateau renties paris

Louise Pochard.

Address: 55 Rue du Château des Rentiers Paris XIII eme.

protege of: Miss Winifred Stillwell, 1615 Wesr. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.

ca. 1919

Photographer : M. Colin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 guarrier odette bourg ain

Guerrier, Odette.

Address: 21 Rue du 4 Sept., Bourg (Ain)

protege of: 2 Aviation Instruction Center 2 A.I.C. c/o Lt. John Stone, 184 Aero Squadron

16 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 guillebeau guilbeaud jean saint georges oleron charente

Guillebeau, Jean. (Guilbeaud)

 Address: Sauzelle, Commune de Saint Georges d'Oléron (Charente-Inférieure)

protege of: Co. B, 105th Engrs. A.E.F.

6 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 jourdan marcel caserne marceau ecouvre grandmenil toul meurthe moselle

Jourdan, Marcel.

Address: Caserne Marceau à Ecrouves-Grandménil, par Toul (Meurthe et Moselle)

protege of: Construction Officers, 2 Aviation Instruction Center c/o Lt. John Stone, A.E.F.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 lacroix henriette pre saint gervais seine

Lacroix, Henriette.

Address: 2 sente des Mauxins, Le Pré-Saint-Gervais (Seine)

protege of: 109 Machine Gun Bn. APO 744, A.E.F.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 lager marie saint just avray rhone

Lager, Marie.

Address: Saint Just d'Avray (Rhône)

protege of: Co. C, 10th. Engrs. Forestry, A.E.F.

16 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 larmicol larmuicol kermadez loctudy pont abbe finistere

Larmuicol, Louis.

Address: Kermadez-en-Loctudy par Pont-l'Abbé (Finistère)

protege of: Ford Junction Aerodrome, Ford-Junction, Sussex England,

c/o 35 Eaton Place, London, S.W.

3 April 1919.

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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