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enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain suzanne duverson saint verain puisays nievre

Suzanne Duverson.

Address: Saint Vérain-en-Puisays (Nièvre).

protege of: Hqrs. 176 Infantry Brigade. American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain marie renault pate froid sarge les le mans sarthe

Marie Renault.

Address: au Pate Froid, Sarge-lès-Le-Mans (Sarthe)

protege of: Crawford Balgden, Jr. 16. E. 10th Street, New York City, U.S.A.

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain alice faucher coussac bonneval haute vienne

Alice Faucher.

Address: Coussac-Bonneval (Haute Vienne)

protege of: 327 Field Artillery Commanding Officer

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain yvonne fleouter fleonter bois peltier cordemais loire

Yvonne Fléouter. (Fléonter)

Address: Bois Peltier-en-Cordemais (Loire Inférieure)

protege of: 327 Field Artillery, APO 705. American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain roger fleury coulommiers seine marne

Roger Fleury.

Address: 8 Place Pasteur,  Coulommiers, (Seine & Marne)

protege of: Hqrs. R.O.S. Detachment Camp U.S.A. troops. APO 741

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain louise goulay gourlay craon mayenne

Louise Goulay.

Address: Place du Champ de Foire, Craon (Mayenne)

protege of: Officers & Men Co. 23 Engineers. American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain eugene grolet olliergue puy de dome

Eugène Grolet.

Address: Olliergue (Puy de Dôme)

protege of: 1st Bn. 102 Infantry c/o Chaplain Speers. American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain georgette marie albrtine guerin maraziere prevelles tuffe sarthe

Georgette Marie Albertine Guérin.

Address: La Marazière. Prévelles par Tuffé (Sarthe)

protege of: Detachment Div. of Const. & Forestry Hqrs S.O.S., American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain jean guidn paris

Jean Guidon.

Address: 36 Rue des Amandiers, Paris XX.

protege of: Field Officers, 68th Artillery, CAC, American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain yvonne guiltot paris

Yvonne Guiltot.

Address: 75 Rue de la Réunion, Paris XX.

protege of: 4th Platoon. Cy. "I" 11th Regiment U.S. Mar. Corps. GISD, APO 713,

American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

marie lea halgand holgard rinais saint joachim loire

Marie Léa Halgand. (Holgard)

Address: la Rinais. Commune de Saint Joachim (Loire Inférieure)

protege of: Hospital Train. 55 St. Dizier (France)

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain louis hascoat bourg guiscriff morbihan

Louis Hascoat.

Address: Bourg de Guiscriff (Morbihan)

protege of: Co. D, 105 Ammunition Train. APO 705, American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain andre honion harmon thaon les vosges

André Honion. (Harmon)

Address: 60 Rue d'Alsace. Thaon-les-Vosges. (Vosges)

protege of: 1st. Lt. G.M. Leopold. CAC. 6930 Tulip St., Philadelphia. Pa. U.S.A

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain antoinette jouanjean perros hamon ploubazlanec cotes nord armor

Antoinette Jouanjean.

Address: Perros-Hamon. Ploubazlanec. (Côtes du Nord)

protege of: 165 Aero Squadron, Air Service Production Centre 2, APO 713 A. Romorantin (Loir & Cher)

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14 18 adopte americain helene labro jussac cantal

Hélène Labro.

Address: à Jussac (Cantral)

protege of: CO. F. 105 Ammunition Train. APO 705. American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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