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enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 vauvy vauvey la jubaudiere jallais maine loire47A.jpg

Antoine Vauvy. (Vauvey)

Address: La Jubaudière, par Jallais (Maine et Loire)

protege of: Officers & Mnn. Hqrs. 136 F.A. Apo 750, American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 verdier marguerite bort correze

Marguerite Verdier.

Address: Rue de la Liberté. Bort (Correze)

protege of: Co. A, 306 Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 adam raymond parmain seine oise

Adam Raymond.

Address: Parmain (Seine et Oise)

protege of: Ordinance Armament School. St Jean de Mont, Vendée

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 aubron marcel preaux usine pont audemer eure

Aubron Marcel,

Les Préaux à l’Usine par Pont-Audemer (Eure)

protege of: Co. E 104 Ammunition Tr. American E.F.

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 avril suzanne montreuil paris

Avril Suzanne.

61 Rue de Montreuil, Paris XI ème.

protege of: Colored Ord. Depach I.O.D.S. APO 724, AEF

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 baricault roger baucault thiers parthenay deux sevres

Baricault Roger (Baucault)

19 Rue Thiers Parthenay (Deux Sèvres)

protege of: Hqrs, 827 Aero Sqd., Air Service Production Center, APO 713, AEF

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 barray marthe bougival seine oise

Barray, Marthe.

Address: 26 Rue Bresta Bougival, (Seine et Oise)

Protege of : Co. A, 117th Engrs. APO 715

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 bausseac baussai fernand najac aveyron

Bausseac (Baussai) Fernand.

Address: a Najac (Averyon)

Protege of: Engr. Mess #1 Gen Hqrs.

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 bazard bayard georgette bezons seine oise

Bazard, (Bayard) Georgette,

Rue Croix, Bezons (Seine et Oise)

protege of: 667 Aero Supply Sqd, Air Service Production Center

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

beauchard branchais marie muzillac morbihan

Beauchard (Branchais), Marie.

à Muzillac (Morbihan)

protege of: Personnel Sec. Office Chief of Air Service, Hq SOS

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 beauchard brauchard noe muzillac morbihan

Beauchard (Brauchard), Noé.

A Muzillac (Morbihan)

protege of 15th Balloon Co. AEF

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 belfils valery saint trivir de courtes ain

Belfils, Valéry.

Saint Trivier de Courtes (Ain)

protege of: 472 Aero Sqd AEF England, c/o Captain Morhess

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 benoit renee poisy seine oise

Benoit, Renée.

9 Rue de Petit Marche, Poissy (Seine et 0ise)

protege of: C.O. 327 F.A., APO 705

9 April 1919.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 bepoix beyoix irma ville haute amans doubs

Bepoix (Beyoix), Irma.

Address: Ville Haute Amans (Doubs)

Supply Co. 137 F.A. AEF

5 March 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 bernardeau bernadeau fernand bordeux gironde

Bernadeau (Bernardeau), Fernand.

Address: 33 Allée des Peupliers, Bordeaux, (Gironde)

Co. C. 26th Engrs. c/o Capt. Stickney, AEF


Photographer : ?

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin adopte americain guerre 14 18 bernier beruier antoinette montbracon dommartin chateau thinan nievre

Bernier (Beruier), Antoinette.

Address: à Montbracon, commune de Dommartin, par Château Thinan (Nièvre)

protege of: Capt. F.B. Sherwood, CWS, Director, 3d Corps Gas School, AEF

5 March 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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