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enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 perru henri olivet loiret

Perru, Henri.

Address: 33 Rue Paulin-Labarre, Olivet (Loiret)

 protege of: Supply Co., 117 Inf., AEF

Enfants adoptes 

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 dassin pierrette harreville les chanteurs haute marne

Dassin, Pierrette.

Address: Harréville les Chanteurs (Haute-Marne)

protege of: Major Phelps Newberry Air Service, APO 717, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 conte henri maison carpia ruevale philippeville algerie

Conte, Henri.

Address: Maison Carpia, 28 Rue Valé, Philippeville (Algérie)

protege of: Ambulance Co. 353, 314 Sanitary Train, APO 761, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 faivre albert gray haute saone

Faivre, Albert.

Address: 52 Rue Vanoise, Gray (Haute-Saône)

protege of: Hwrs. R. O.S. Detachment Camp, U.S.A. Troops, APO 741, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 frelon andre paris

Frelon, André.

Address: 56 Boulevard de la Villette, Paris,

protege of: 21 Field Artillery, c/o Champ. Morgan, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 habouzit haboezil gabielle lyon croix rousse rhone

Habouzit,( Haboezil)  Gabrielle.

Address: 9 Rue Chaumais, Lyon-Croix-Rousse (Rhône)

protege of: Officers & Enlisted Men, Intermediate Ordinance Depot H2, APO 713, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 joncourt marcel ravenel oise

Joncourt, Marcel.

Address: Rue du Chateau, Ravenel (Oise)

protege of: Commanding Officer, Aerial Gunnery School, Saint Jean-de-Mont

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 juin henri saint pair sur mer manche

Juin, Henri.

Address: Saint-Pair-sur-Mer (Manche)

protege of: Commanding Officer, Aerial Gunnery School, St. Jean-de-Mont

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 lafon lafou helene bort les orgues correze

Lafon, (Lafou) Hélène.

Address: Bort les Orgues (Corrèze)

protege of: 15 Co., 4 Regt. Mechanics, 2 Aviation Instruction Centre Officer in charge, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 labelle alice le breil sur merize sarthe

Labelle, Alice.

Address: Le Breil-sur-Mérize (Sarthe)

protege of: 63 Artillery CAC, Battery F, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 carrie clothilde villechetive yonne

Carrie Clothilde.

Address: Villechétive (Yonne)

protege of: Mrs. B.W. Stillwell, 240 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N.Y., USA

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 chauvellier jeanne laigne vicomte saone loire

Chauvellier, Jeanne.

Address: Laigne-le-Vicomte (Saône et Loire)

protege of: Hqrs. S.O.S. APO 717, AEF, c/o Lt. L.E. Keithly

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 collenne colier georgette paris

Collenne (Collier), Georgette.

Address: 164 Ave. Jean Jaures, Paris XIX, p

rotege of: Y.M.C.A. Secretaries, Base Camp 1, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

leducq eugene lucienne pavilion saint ouen seine

Leducq,(Eugène) Lucienne.

Address: 51 Impasse Vidal, Pavilion 11, Saint Ouen (Seine)

protege of: Troy Laundry Co., Republica & Nobb Hill Ave., Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

enfant orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 lefiliatre lefilatu suzanne montebourg manche

Lefilliatre (Lefillatu), Suzanne.

Address: Grand Rue, Montebourg (Manche)

protege of: Officers Mess 3, Air Service, Production Center 2, AEF

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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