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orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 lucienne froideval froudival tramway seloncourt doubs

Lucienne Froideval. (Froudival)

Address: Mme. Vve. Froideval. 89 Rue du Tramway, Seloncourt. (Doubs)

protege of: Co. C, 306th Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces

ca 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 bernadeau bernardeau fernand peupliers bordeaux

Bernadeau, Fernand. (Bernardeau)

Address: 33 Allée des Peupliers, Bordeaux,(Gironde)

 Co. C. 26th Engrs. c/o Capt. Stickney, AEF


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 coisnard coilmard francis foire chevaux evron mayenne

Coisnard, (Coilmard) Francis.

Address : Champs de Foire aux Chevaux, Evron (Mayenne)

protege of: 118 F.A., APO 711, AEF


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 deverge simone brux vienne

Deverge, Simone

Address : Brux (Vienne)

Depot Q.M., APO 702


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 dugas dugal raymonde michel bonneval eure loir

Dugas, (Dugal) Raymonde,

Adress : Rue Saint Michel, Bonneval (Eure et Loir)

Train, 306th Engrs AEF


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 fruger fruquien henri croix mothes ladignac haute vienne

Fruguer, (Fruquien) Henri.

Adress : Croix des Mothes, Commune de Ladignac (Haute Vienne)

Co. A, 5th Engrs, AEF, c/o Capt Pberteuffer


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

grellard marie josephine saint laurent sur sevre vendee

Grellard, Marie. (Joséphine)

Adress: Saint Laurent sur Sèvre (Vendée)

Co. B, 34th Engrs. Sub. Post. G.I.S.D., APO 713


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 guignard guigard paul boulogne sur seine

Guignard, (Guigard) Paul.

Address: 97 Rue du Général Gallieni, Boulogne sur Seine (Seine);

protege of Lt. W Daly and Lt. H.T. Metcalf Co. B, 145 Inf., APO 763, AEF


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 malgat malgab marcelle loomis vellexon haute saone

Malgat, (Malgab) Marcelle Loomis.

Address: Vellexon (Haute Saône)

protege of Bat C, 336 FA, AEF, Rochefort


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 manck manek jean françois arage tour inde loire

Manck (Manek), Jean.

Address 28 Rue Francois Arago Tours (Indre et Loire)

protege of: W.D. Connor, Brig. General, USA Hq, SOS tours


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 riberpray reberprey andree sainte marie pont de l'arche eure

Riberpray, (Reberprey) André (Andrée).

Address: Rue Sainte Marie, Pont de l'Arche, (Eure)

protege of: BH 35, APO 780


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 rubier rubien maurice petit couronne seine inferieure

Rubier, (Rubien) Maurice.

Address: Rue de la Republique, Petit-Couronne (Seine Inférieure)

protege of: Const. and Maint. Div., Hq SOS


Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 serge castel marcel aubert nancy miss daly

Serge Castel (left) and Marcel Aubert (right) are the two "Stars and Stripes" boys in the Refugee Colony from Nancy which has been installed for the summer on the sea shore of Normandy.

These boys sing "The Star Spangled Banner", La Banniere Etoilée, as few schools of American boys can sing it, but then they know from their own experience what "the rocket's red glare" means, what "perilous nights" really are, and what bombs can do when they "burst in the air".

Serge and Marcel are the "filleuls" of the ship "Nancy", launched in Portland, Oregon, and of an American Captain, and they are envied by all the rest of the school.

The AMERICAN RED CROSS administers the funds for the maintenance of all the children adopted by the American troops

The beach is the children's paradise at Le Home Varaville near Cabourg.

This is one of the colonies established by the Comite Franco-Americain pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontière, which with aid from the American Red Cross, provides a home and education for about 1500 children made destitute by the war.

This colony is made up of about 60 boys who live under the care of French sisters and an American lady, Miss Daly, in what was formerly a sea shore hotel.

The beach is the children's paradise at Le Home Varaville near Cabourg. This is one of the colonies established by the Comite Franco-Americain pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontiere, which with aid from the American Red Cross, provides a home and education for about 1500 children made destitute by the war.

This colony is made up of about 60 boys who live under the care of French sisters and an American lady, Miss Daly, in what was formerly a sea shore hotel.

September 1918

Photographer : Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serge castel

Serge Castel

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 marcel aubert

Marcel Aubert

orphelin guerre 14-18 1914 1918 germain


Adopted children,

17 July 1918

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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