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jean pourcenoux macheville lamastre orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Jean Pourcenoux, adopte.

Address: Macheville. près Lamastre. (Ardeche)

protege of: American Officers, Field 8, Issoudun. American Expeditionary Forces

12 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

“Photo Express” Maximin

21 Place Saint Martial, Angoulème

charles lambert blacy thizy orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Charles Lambert, adopte.

Address: Blacy, par Thizy (Yonne)

protege of: Co. A, 105th Supply Train, American Expeditionary Forces

27 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jean bouillet saint priest taurion orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Jean Bouillet, adopte.

Address: Saint Priest Taurion. (Haute Vienne)

protege of: Nurses of Base Hospital #5, American Expeditionary Forces

4 December 1918.

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

yvonne leray richarderies besse braye orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Yvonne Leray, adopte.

Address: aux Richarderies-Besse-sur Braye (Sarthe)

protege of: Co. "C"-327th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces

9 December 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

merin bourg oisseau orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Alphonse Merin, adopte.

Address: Bourg Oisseau (Mayenne)

protege of: Base Hospital 117, A.P.O. 758, American Expeditionary Forces

9 December 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

renée langelot rieux volvestre orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Renee Langelot, adopte.

Address: Rieux (Haute-Garonne)

protege of: Battery C, 338th Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces

9 December 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

gabriel rautureau cholet orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Gabriel Rautureau, adopte.

Address: Impasse Morin, Cholet (Maine et Loire)

protege of: Co. A, 2nd Engineers, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

castelnaudary marcel lefevre orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Marcel Lefevre, adopte.

Address: 26 Rue des Ramparts Castelnaudary (Aude)

protege of: American Officers Field 8, Issoudun. American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

gilber colleatte coulommiers orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Gilbert Colleatte, adopte.

Address: 3 Rue Menager, Coulommiers (Seine et Marne).

Protege of: Co. B, 338th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

loiret georges jamet orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918 cerdon

Georges Jamet, adopte.

Address: Cerdon (Loiret)

protege of: Co. D, 102nd Machine Gun Bn., American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

albertne viry tissage blanchifontaine rambervillers orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Albertine Viry, adopte.

Address: Tissage de Blanchifontaine, par Rambervillers (Vosges)

A.P.O. 722, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

raoul berenguier draguignan orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Raoul Berenguier, adopte.

Address: 5 Rue Jean Picard, Draguignan (Var)

protege of: Band, 102nd Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

suzanne charles paris orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Suzanne Charles, adopte.

Address: 6 Quai des Celestestine, Paris.

protege of: Co. D, 107th Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

frederic duthey neuilly orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Frederic Duthey, adopte.

Address: 40 Boulevard du Château, Neuilly (Seine)

protege of: U.S. Air Service, 45 Avenue Montaigne, Paris

29 April 1918

Photographer : Henri A. Coles

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

paulette couvret palaiseau orphan orphelin enfant adopté ww1 guerre mondiale great war 14 18 1914 1918

Paulette Couvret, adopte.

Address: 135 Rue de Paris, Palaiseau (Seine et Oise)

protege of: 161st Aero Squadron, American Expeditionary Forces

8 January 1919

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin     

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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