WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 5

Zeichne die Kriegsanleihe! Heer und Flotte erwarten es von dir!
Poster shows face of German soldier.
Text: Subscribe to the war loan!
The Army and Navy expect it from you!
Bernhard, Lucian, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt, 1917
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Der Hias, ein feldgraues Spiel
Poster shows a German soldier holding his rifle over his shoulder
like a club; a bayonet appears in the lower left corner.
The poster is an advertisement
for a popular play by Heinrich Gilardone.
Ditz, Walter, 1888-1925, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Feist-Feldgrau, Sektkellerei Frankfurt a.M. A.G.
Poster shows a German Army officer holding a glass of sekt (champagne) with the name Feist Sekt on it.
Poster is an advertisement
for the Feist Sektkellerei, Frankfurt am Main.
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Frankfurt am Main : J. Maubach & Co., G.m.b.H.
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Braunschweiger Windelwoche, 12.-18. Mai,
ein Notruf an die Braunschweiger Frauen ...
Poster shows an infant lying on a pillow and covered with a comforter.
Text announces Diaper Week,
an emergency call to the women of Braunschweig to collect
diapers and clothing for infants and children.
Clothing drive sponsored by the Braunschweigischer Landesverein für Säuglings- und Kleinkinderfürsorge.
Gerecke, Fr., artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Braunschweig : George Kiehne
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Weichnachts Sammlung des bayerischen Roten Kreuzes
für die Feldgrauen
Poster shows a Christmas angel(?) pulling a sleigh loaded
with bundles and delivering one to a German soldier.
Text: Christmas collection
by the Bavarian Red Cross for the armed forces.
Püttner, Walter, 1872-1953, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Fritz Maison
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Der Hias, ein feldgraues Spiel
Poster shows a German soldier pointing the way to others silhouetted in background as though emerging from a trench.
Poster is advertisement for a popular play by Heinrich Gilardone.
Bärmann, Christian, 1881-, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Der Sieg!
Print shows German soldiers, one on horseback, carrying flags
and looking away from the viewer.
Hoffmann, Anton, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Druck und Verlag der Graph. Kunstanstalt Jof. C. Huber
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Tod dem Geiz!
St. Georg und der Drache des Geizes
Print shows Saint George, as a German knight, slaying a dragon.
Hoffmann, Anton, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Druck und Verlag der Graph. Kunstanstalt Jof. C. Huber
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Helft uns siegen!
Zeichnet die Kriegsanleihe
Poster shows German soldier, with gas mask hanging from his neck, gazing into the distance.
Text reads: Help us triumph! Subscribe to the War Loan.
Erler, Fritz, 1868-1940, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Fritz Maison,
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Gesellige Vereinigung Münchner Künstler e.v. Weihnachts Ausstellung zu gunsten der Kriegsinvaliden, für sorge ins besonders Erblindeter ...
Poster shows a blind soldier being led by a soldier
with his arm in a sling.
Text announces a Christmas exhibit to benefit war invalids, particularly the blind.
The exhibit is sponsored by the Social Society of Munich Artists; exhibit location and times are given.
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Dr. C. Wolf u. Sohn,
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Die Fahnen flattern hoch im Wind!
Poster shows German soldiers, one on horseback, advancing into battle with banners and flags, including a Turkish flag.
Text: German flags flutter high in the wind!
Additional text states that sacrifice
at the front and at home will bring victory.
Hoffmann, Anton, artist
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Für die Kriegsanleihe!
Poster shows a cherub holding
a German army helmet filled with coins.
Text: For the War Loan!
Plontke, Paul, 1884-, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Berlin : W. Hagelberg
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Die neue Kriegsanleihe muss erfolgreich sein,
sonst ermutigen wir England weiterzukämpfen! ...
Text states that the new war loan must be successful
if Germany is to be victorious.
Bernhard, Lucian, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Zeichnet die 7. Kriegsanleihe
Poster shows a cherub pouring coins from a bag;
in the background a graph shows amounts collected
at the various war loan drives.
Text: Subscribe to the 7th War Loan at the local bank,
all funds stay in the country.
Koch, Franz, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Nürnberg : C. Schmidtner, Jun, Kunstanstalt,
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Kinderland Wohltätigkeitskonzert
Poster shows a mother holding her young son and an infant.
Text is announcement of a charity concert on behalf of Germany's Fund for the Support and Protection of Young Children.
Details of concert, including performers, are given.
Berlin : Rotophot A.G
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Des Kaisers Weihnachtsreise
Poster shows a winter scene at the battfield field.
In the background, a church with stars overhead;
in the foreground, fence posts with barbed wire strung
between them and evergreen trees.
Text advertises Neuster Film's
"The Emperor's Christmas Journey."
Erdt, Hans Rudi, 1883-1918, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Warmes Herz, offene Hand unsern Kriegsbeschädigten!
Gib zur Ludendorff-Spende!
Poster encouraging contributions
to the Ludendorff Fund for War Disabled.
Bernhard, Lucian, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Fritz Maison
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C