WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 2
Journée de l'œuvre Nivernaise des mutilés de la guerre
Nivernaise Day for the War Disabled Fund
A seated soldier presumably disabled leaning against
a woman who is holding a collection cup.
Neumont, Maurice, 1868-1930, artist
Paris : Devambez, [1915]
American National Red Cross photograph collection
(Library of Congress)

Journée du Loir et Cher
au profit des prisonniers.
Mutilés. Orphelins. Blessés. Réfugiés.
26 Novembre 1916
Loir and Cher Day to benefit the prisoners. Disabled. Orphans. Wounded. Refugees.
A woman standing and holding a dish
and the charity symbol.
Tandivenie, A., artist
Paris : Devambez, 1916
(Library of Congress)

Concert de charité donné au bénéfice
des mutilés et des veuves des légionnaires juifs
Charity concert to benefit
the disabled and widows of the Jewish legionnaires.
A woman holding her small daughter up on a wall
and another daughter by her side.
Pann, Abel, 1883-1963, artist
Paris : H. Chachoin, 1916
(Library of Congress)

Special poster distributed throughout France
in advertisement of the American Red Cross training farm for Mutiles de la Guerre
Ferme de Courbat - Liège (Indre et Loire)
November 1918
Photographer: Joseph A. Collin - Poster : Miss Harper
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Poster which
the AMERICAN RED CROSS displayed throughout
the South of France to tell of the re-education of mutiles
Rodez - Aveyron
between 1914 and 1920
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Matinée de gala au bénéfice de
l'Association Nationale de Mutilés de la Guerre
Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt
Matinee gala to benefit
the National Association of Disabled Servicemen.
Theatre Sarah Bernhardt - Paris
Disabled French soldier being comforted
by two young girls.
Over four million French soldiers were wounded in the war.
Clairin, Georges, 1843-1919, artist
Paris : Imp. Cornille & Serre, [1917]
Library of Congress

Special re-educational poster issued by
the American Red Cross,
and used for propaganda work
of the Bureau of Re-education of Mutiles
6 December 1918
Photographer : Joseph A. Collin
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Grand festival des Alliés.
Kermesse de l'enfance . . .
au profit de l'école de rééducation professionnelle
des mutilés de guerre de Bordeaux
Big festival of the allies. Country fair
for the children to benefit the school
for the rehabilitation of the veterans of Bordeaux.
A woman nursing her baby.
Two disabled veterans, one weaving a basket,
the other is holding a pickax
Guindet, A., artist
Bordeaux : Imp. F. Pech & Cie, [1918]
10 Février 1918
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

A poster which was displayed in the South of France to help the American Red Cross with it's work among the Mutiles.
Capt. Atherton-Smith was the organizer
10 February 1919
Photographer: ARC. Commission to France
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Poster which was displayed in Nantes
in order to arouse interest in the course
for the re-education of French mutiles,
which the American Red Cross established
21 December 1918
Photographer :Joseph A. Collin – Miss Harper
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Poster announcing the exhibition of the work
of the French mutiles who have become proficient
in the ceramic art.
11 rue Royale, Paris
Held from December 23rd 1918 to 15th January 1919
21 December 1918.
Photographer :Joseph A. Collin
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Journées Girondines. 1er, 2, 3, & 4 juin, 1916.
Au profit exclusif des Oeuvres de Guerre du Département
For the exclusive benefit of the Department's war charities.
Marianne in French patriotic colors holding
a collection cup for the Red Cross.
Holding on to her other arm is a blind soldier,
who is smoking, with a cane.
Willette, Adolphe, 1857-1926, artist
Paris : Devambez, [1916]
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Comité Americain pour les Régions Dévastées de France
American Committee for the Devastated Regions of France
A woman in a military uniform is aiding a woman
with two small children.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Poster used by the American Red Cross
telling about the school for the re-education of French mutiles.
These posters were displayed throughout in Lisieux Normandy
14 October 1918
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

A poster displayed throughout Paris inviting the Public to an exhibit of work done by the Mutiles.
The American Red Cross has done great work along the lines of re-education
for the men wounded in the war.
Capt. Atherton-Smith was the organizer
11 rue Royale, Paris
10 February 1919
Photographer: ARC. Commission to France
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Pour le Foyer du Soldat Aveugle
On behalf of the blind soldier's home
A blind soldier holding a small girl.
Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucien, 1865-1953, artist
Paris : Imp. L. Marotte, [1917]
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)