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Sammelt die Obstkerne

Sammelt die Obstkerne

Poster shows a little girl with a backpack holding a fruit pit.

Text instructs people to save fruit pits and send them to school with their children

or to bring them to the next collection site.

Poster was issued by the Kriegsausschuss für Öle und Fette

(War Commission for Oils and Fats.)

Gipkens, Julius E. F., 1883-, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt, [1916]

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 

Gold gab ich zur Wehr, Eisen nahm ich zur Ehr

Gold gab ich zur Wehr, Eisen nahm ich zur Ehr

Poster shows silhouette of a kneeling woman

(probably modeled on a work by Hermann Hosaeus)

holding a jewelry box and offering a gold rosary.

Text: I gave gold for defense, iron I honored. B

Bring your gold jewelry to the gold dealers.

Gipkens, Julius E. F., 1883-, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 

Ohne Ordnung kein Brot  Unordnung bringt Hungersnot

Ohne Ordnung kein Brot

Unordnung bringt Hungersnot! 

Poster declares that without order there is no bread, that disorder brings starvation.

A quote by Andrew Bonar Law, Leader of the British House of Commons, is included.

Poster sponsored by the German Armistice Commission.

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Deutsche Waffenstillstands-Kommission, funder/sponsor

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Denk on die Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte

Denk on die Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte

Poster encouraging contributions to the Ludendorff Fund for War Disabled.

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Fritz Maison


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Jeder trage heute die Ludendorff-Nadel für Kriegsbeschädigte

Jeder trage heute die Ludendorff-Nadel für Kriegsbeschädigte

Text: Today everyone should wear the Ludendorff-Pin for the war disabled.

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Fritz Maison


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C


Spar-Prämienanleihe: 10 mal 1,000,000 jährl

Poster announces the extension of a premium savings bond until 1:00 pm, Dec. 10th.

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Sammelt die Obstkerne  und schickt sie durch Eure Kinder in die Schule oder an die nächsten Sammelstelle

Nur noch bis Mittwoch, 10. Dez.,

kann die Deutsche Spar-Prämien-Anleihe gezeichnet werden 
Poster announces

that the premium savings bond can only be subscribed to until Wednesday, Dec. 10.

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Sammelt die Obstkerne  und schickt sie durch Eure Kinder in die Schule oder an die nächsten Sammelstelle

Sammelt die Obstkerne

und schickt sie durch Eure Kinder in die Schule oder an die nächsten Sammelstelle! 

Poster shows a bowl of fruit.

Text instructs people to save fruit pits and either send them to school with their children

or bring them to the next collection place.

Poster issued by the War Commission for Oils and Fats (Kriegsausschuss für Öel und Fette).

Gipkens, Julius E. F., 1883-, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Wer ist Sieger

Wer ist Sieger? 

Poster shows,

on the left,

a German soldier standing behind a large shape representing the land mass controlled by the Central Powers;

on the right

a British soldier with his foot on a tiny piece representing the land mass held by the Entente.

In the center, under the title "Who is the Victor?"

is a chart showing how much territory the Central Powers gained between May 1915 to June 1917

and how, in the same period, the Entente lost territory.

Oppenheim, Louis, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Dr. Selle & Co.,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

poster germany ww1 1914 1918 guerre

[close up]

Wer ist Sieger? 

Poster shows,

on the left,

a German soldier standing behind a large shape representing the land mass controlled by the Central Powers;

on the right

a British soldier with his foot on a tiny piece representing the land mass held by the Entente.

In the center, under the title "Who is the Victor?"

is a chart showing how much territory the Central Powers gained between May 1915 to June 1917

and how, in the same period, the Entente lost territory.

Oppenheim, Louis, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Dr. Selle & Co.,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Parole Frieden password peace mot de passe paix

Parole: Frieden!

Poster showing a drummer in uniform shouting.


Password: Peace!


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Schütz eure Heimat! Tretet bei dem Freikorps Hülsen

Schütz eure Heimat! Tretet bei dem Freikorps Hülsen

Poster shows stylized profile of German soldier.


Protect your homeland!

Enlist in the Freikorps Hülsen.

Gipkens, Julius E. F., 1883-, artist

Berlin : Hollerbaum & Schmidt,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Der letzte Hieb ist die 8. Kriegsanleihe

Der letzte Hieb ist die 8. Kriegsanleihe

Print shows an idealized German soldier swinging a large sword.

An appeal for financial contributions to the war effort.

Neumann, Paul, 1880-, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Stuttgart : Druck: Eckstein & Stähle, Kgl. Hofkunstanstalt,

Stamped in left: F.J.M. Rehse Archiv f. Zeitgeschichte u. Publizistik, München


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Wahr dich, Wehr dich, Wach auf. Melde dich zur Bayr

Wahr dich, Wehr dich, Wach auf. Melde dich zur Bayr

Poster shows a German soldier holding a rifle.

Text: Defend yourself, protect yourself, wake up.

Enlist in the Bavarian Reichswehr.

Hohlwein, Ludwig, 1874-1949, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Oscar Consée Kunstanstalt,

between 1918 and 1920

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Sammelt Brennesseln, die deutsche Baumwolle

Sammelt Brennesseln, die deutsche Baumwolle! 

Poster shows a spool of thread on a nettle stalk surrounded by nettle leaves; in background the Bavarian flag.

Text: Collect stinging nettles, the German cotton. Bavarian Nettle Center, Munich.

Wolffhügel, Fritz, 1879-1952, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Dr. C. Wolf u. Sohn, 


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Zeichtnet die Neunte! Es geht un Alles was wir lieben

Zeichtnet die Neunte! Es geht un Alles was wir lieben! 

Poster showing a woman holding a child;

in the background a soldier and a German town.

Text: Subscribe to the ninth war loan!

It is for everything we hold dear!

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Vaterland, Familie, Zukunft   8. Kriegsanleihe

Vaterland, Familie, Zukunft 

8. Kriegsanleihe

Poster shows a German soldier holding a child in his arms,

behind him is a woman and child.

Text: Fatherland, family, future ... 8th War Loan.

Ditz, Walter, 1888-1925, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Münchener Buchgewerbehaus M. Miller & Sohn,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Vier Wochen neunte Kriegsanleihe - vier Schicksalswochen des Vaterlands! ...  Deutschland zur Wahr  dem Feind zur Lehr

Vier Wochen neunte Kriegsanleihe - vier Schicksalswochen des Vaterlands! ...

Deutschland zur Wahr

dem Feind zur Lehr! 

Poster reminding people there are only four fateful weeks left to subscribe to the 9th War Loan.

Text continues:

Germany will persevere

the enemy will be taught a lesson!

Bernhard, Lucian, artist

Rheydt : Hermann Schött Act. Ges.


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Die 9. Kriegsanleihe

Die 9. Kriegsanleihe! 

Poster shows a farmer cutting grain with a scythe;

in background, haystacks, a city, a river, factories, mountains and a rainbow.

Text announces the 9th War Loan with a poem:

 Germany has perpetuity,

 it is a sound country,

therefore, Germans, subscribe to the 9th War Loan.

Subscriptions accepted at Bankhouse Baruch Strauss, Marburg an der Lahn and Frankfurt am Main.

Ubbelohde, Otto, 1867-1922, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Leipzig : R.G. Roder, G.m.b.H.,


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Alles fürs Vaterland!  Alles für die Freiheit!

Alles fürs Vaterland!

Alles für die Freiheit!

Poster shows

a German soldier with rifle in one hand and the other raised in the "V" sign;

in background a factory and a town.

Text declares

"Everything for the Fatherland, everything for freedom",

and instructs people to register for the border infantry battalion.

Dresden : Kunstanhalt Römmler & Jonas, G.m.b.H


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

Helft!  Soldatenratshilfe  eile tut not



eile tut not!

Poster shows a desperate-looking German soldier bundled against the cold, carrying a large pack on his back.

Text asks for emergency donations to the Soldiers' Aid Fund to help soldiers returning from the front as they pass through Berlin.

Oppenheim, Louis, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

Berlin : Kunstanstalt Weylandt


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Dein Vaterland ist in Gefahr, melde dich

Dein Vaterland ist in Gefahr, melde dich!

Poster shows

a German soldier, holding a grenade in one hand and a rifle in the other;

in background a barbed wire fence and flames.

Text encourages enlistment in the G. Kav. Schützen Div. with the slogan

"Your Fatherland is in danger, register!"

Further text lists benefits of joining the militia.

Zabel, Lucian, 1893-1936, artist

Berlin : Plakatkunstanstalt Dinse & Eckert


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Deutsche Luftkriegsbeute Ausstellung, München, 1918

Deutsche Luftkriegsbeute Ausstellung, München, 1918

Poster shows a German land/sea biplane, the "Wolfschen",

flying over Africans who appear to be reacting with fear.

The text announces an exhibition in Munich of items captured in the air war and gives details as to time, place,

and concerts performed as part of the exhibition.

Engelhard, Julius Ussy, 1883-1964, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : C. Wolf & Sohn


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Anarchie ist Helfer der Reaktion und Hungersnot

Anarchie ist Helfer der Reaktion und Hungersnot

Poster shows a large angel holding an olive branch and a scroll with the words

"National ...amlung"

standing in front of a mass of German soldiers and civilians.

In front of the angel is an anarchist holding a knife

and preparing to throw a bomb.

Text: Anarchy is the helper of reaction and famine.

Schnackenberg, Walter, 1880-1961, artist

Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner

München : Kunstanstalt O. Consée


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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