WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
of WAR
page 6

Brandenburg an der Havel

American prisoners of war at Brandenburg, Germany.
U.S. Naval Prisoners in Germany.
Four men of the guncrew of the merchant ship Campania, interned at Brandenburg.
This photograph was sent to the American Red Cross
by Chief Petty Officer James Delaney of Brooklyn,
who is the president of the American Committee in the Brandenburg prison camp.
He is the second from the right in the group.
His companions are Charles L. Kline of Philadelphia and two other men of the Campania's gun crew.
There are at present about twenty-five civilian and soldier Americans
under detention in the Brandenburg camp.
They receive weekly parcels of food and other necessaries
from the American Red Cross Bureau in Berne, Switzerland
10 June 1918
Photographer : Through Mr. Abbott, Bureau of Prisoners Relief.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Deutsches Hilfswerk für die Kriegs- und Zivilgefangenen / Walter Ditz, '19.
Poster shows a kneeling goddess(?), holding her arms as if in offering.
Prisoner of War Relief Fund. German Relief Organization for War- and Civilian Prisoners of War.
Ditz, Walter, 1888-1925, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Kunstanstalt O. Consée, 1919
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Mr. Ellis Dresel inspecting German Prison Camp, prior to the entrance of the United States in the war
Photographer : ARC. Bureau of Archives..
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Tonhalle ... Ausstellung von Arbeiten der in der Schweiz internierten deutschen Kriegsgefangenen / Ludwig Hohlwein, München.
Poster shows a pensive German soldier resting his head on his fist.
Text announces an exhibition of artwork by German prisoners of war held in Switzerland.
Location, times, and entrance fee included.
Hohlwein, Ludwig, 1874-1949, artist
Rehse Archiv für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik, DLC, former owner
München : Fritz Maison, 191
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Russian prisoners
Photograph shows Russian prisoners of war standing outdoors during World War I.
(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)
between 1914 and ca. 1915
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

In East Prussia--Russian prisoners
Photograph shows Russian prisoners standing by a railroad car,
drinking from large cups during World War I.
(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Giving Bread to British prisoners
between 1914 and ca. 1915
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

British and French prisoners assorting mail
Photograph shows British and French soldiers who are prisoners of war,
sorting mail during World War I.
(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)
between 1914 and ca. 1915
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Russian prisoners -- Russians, Tartars, Kyrgyz etc.
Photograph shows Russian prisoners of war during World War I.
(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2012)
between 1914 and ca. 1915
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Wounded Russian prisoners
Photograph shows wounded Russian prisoners being carried
in a horse-drawn cart through a street during World War I.
between 1915 and ca. 1915
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Siberian prisoners in Germany
between 1915 and ca. 1920
Bain News Service, publisher
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C
Uncaptioned negative showing Russian prisoners of war
between 1919 and 1929
Source: researcher M. Higgins, 2018
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Uncaptioned negative showing Russian prisoners of war carrying a pallet of bread
between 1919 and 1929
Source: researcher M. Higgins, 2018
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

American officers questioning prisoners
17 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Prisonniers Français Récemment Capturés.
De gauche à droite: debout:
Hivert, Pierre, Robinet, Prel. Roumoulou, soldats;
Boistel, sergent; Vandenberghe, Jezequel, Charpenay, Juret, soldats: R.I. 159.
Baspeyrart, Perard, soldats: R.I. 159; McEnany Fred W., soldat, R.I. 127; Amato, soldat, R.J.I. 11; McEnany Robert, soldat, R.I. 127; Berfa, caporal; Robinet, soldat: R.I. 159
ca. 1918
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)