WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
of WAR
page 7


Picture taken at Rastatt prison camp, Baden, Germany
Sept. 27th, 1918,
standing left to right:
William Nelson Wenatchee, Wash.,
Edward Roberts (blind) Iroquoi,
S.Dakota William Cleveland, Baselton, Ga.,
Sitting left to right:
Raymond Carlisle, Lebanon, N.H.,
Robert Caballero New Orleans La
Frank Calabraise, Phil. Pa,
Note on back of original photograph in prisoner's handwriting:
"Oh, joy, Ho, boy, where to we go from here?"
Photographer : ARC
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C
Rosalie O'Donnell letters

William Nelson Wenatchee, Wash.,

Edward Roberts Iroquoi, S.Dakota

William Cleveland, Baselton, Ga.,

Raymond Carlisle, Lebanon, N.H.,

Robert Caballero New Orleans La

Frank Calabraise, Phil. Pa,


Picture taken at Rastatt, Baden, prison camp, Germany.
Sept. 27th, 1918.
Standing left to right:
Robert Caballero, New Orleans, La
Robert Quann, St. Louis, Mo.
Sam Bergwerk, N.Y. City,
George Corry, Philadelphia,
George Haibe, Phil.
Sitting left to right:
Edward Roberts (blind), Iroquois S. Dakota,
Eli Levin, Chicago,
Frank Calabraise, Philadelphia
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Robert Caballero, New Orleans, La

Sam Bergwerk, N.Y. City,

George Haibe, Phil.

Eli Levin, Chicago,

Robert Quann, St. Louis, Mo.

George Corry, Philadelphia,

Edward Roberts, Iroquois S. Dakota,

Frank Calabraise, Philadelphia