WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 3

Bâle - Basle

Basle, Switzerland.
Swiss & ARC girls with Sergt. Halyburton of Stony Paint, N.C.
(1st American prisoner captured by Germans, 'No 2" in picture)
Germans & Sergt. Charles A. Geoghegan of 511 W. 185 St., N.Y.
who stopped German propaganda in Rastatt camp & told Gerl. Lang.,
the German camp commander, that if Amers.
were not treated like Russians they wanted to be shot at once
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Photo taken at Basle, Switzerland on Dec. 7
upon arrival first American prisoners released from Ratstatt prison camp in trainload lot.
Girl in Alsatian costume has Sergt. Chas. A. Groghegan, 511 W. 185 St., NYC, by the arm.
No. 2 is Sergt. R. Halyburton of Stony Point, NC, first American soldier captured by Germans. Halyburton and Geoghegan prevented circulation of "American in Europe"
a German propaganda sheet in American camp at Ratstatt and warned German commandant
if Americans not treated well they preferred to be shot.
As punishment Geoghegan and Halyburton sent to Tuchel, East Prussia,
where they were harnessed to wagons like horses worked dawn to late at night on thin soup diet.
Russians harnessed with them died in traces.
Halyburton and Geoghegan loading their bodies on wagons.
Halyburton worshipped by his 3,000 men.
Both men lost about 40 pounds at Tuchel but have picked up with ARC food boxes at Ratstatt.
Girls on each side of Geoghegan and Alsatienne are ARC girls who went to Ratstatt prison camp with American sanitary train nursing American wounded
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Crowd awaiting arrival American released prisoners on Dec. 7 at Basle, Switzerland
7 December 1918
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Historic American flag carried into battle by Americans
who hid flag while in German prison camps & displayed it at Basle, Switzerland on Dec. 7,
upon release of 1st train of American privates
7 December 1918
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Basle, Switzerland.
1st train released American privates from Rastatt prison
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Swiss band playing Swiss airs for American Prisoners on Dec. 7 at Basle Switzerland
17 February 1919
Photographer: ARC. Commission to Switzerland.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Good Bye.
Swiss farewells to first trainload released American prisoners at Basle on Dec. 7
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

American Rastatt prison camp band which played for Swiss at Basle on Dec. 7
when first trainload of released privates came into Switzerland from Germany
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

American Prisoners of War on arrival at Basle, Switzerland, after release
7 December 1919
Photographer: ARC. Comm. Switzerland
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

At Basle.
Swiss children giving American flags to released American prisoners from Rastatt Dec. 7
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Bâle - Basle

Basle, Switzerland.
Swiss & ARC girls with Sergt. Halyburton of Stony Paint, N.C.
(1st American prisoner captured by Germans, 'No 2" in picture)
Germans & Sergt. Charles A. Geoghegan of 511 W. 185 St., N.Y.
who stopped German propaganda in Rastatt camp & told Gerl. Lang.,
the German camp commander, that if Amers.
were not treated like Russians they wanted to be shot at once
14 February 1919
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)