WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 4

First American Red Cross food package sent to American prisoners in Germany.
The contents of this package have now been hanged and four different packages
go forward to American prisoners each "food month.
" American prisoners now get regular Army food, carefully varied and chosen
by the American Red Cross in Switzerland.
Food luxuries are thrown in for good measure.
In addition clothing of every description is sent to our boys from regular Army outfits to civilian suits.
One American prisoner in Germany who has the freedom of Berlin recently was sent a badly-needed "swallow-tail coat" and two golf balls but is not known
if the two golf balls sent by a Red Cross Official from his own layout,
were cut open by suspicious German "censors"
20 November 1918
Caption from negative sleeve: Berne, 1st American package sent to American Prisoners in Germany
Photographer : Joseph A. Collin
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

this is the "Army A" food box, and is sent the Prisoner a week after he is sent the "First Parcel."
"Army A" food box is followed the next week by
"Army B" box the week after by
"Army C" box
and the fourth week "Army D" box
goes forward to the prisoner.
Each month thereafter food boxes A, B, C and D go to the prisoner regularly.
"Army A" package contains 1 lb. corned beef, 1 lb salt pork, 1 lb. salmon, 2 lbs. corned beef hash,
1 can pork and beans, 1 lb. tomatoes, 2 cans corn, 2 cans peas, 4 lbs. hard bread, 1 lb. butter,
1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. prunes, 1 bar soap,
80 cigarettes or the tobacco equivalent: 4 pkgs. tobacco or 1 cut of chewing tobacco
20 November 1918
Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

This is "Army B" food box and is sent to the prisoner a week after he is sent "Army A" food box.
It contains 1 lb. corned beef, 1 lb. roast beef, 1 lb. salmon, 2 lbs. corned beef hash,
1 can pork and beans, 1 lb. tomatoes, 1 can corn, 2 cans peas, 4 lbs. hard bread, 1 lb. rice,
1 pt. evaporated milk, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. coffee, 1 lb. jam, 1 lb. raisins or figs,
80 cigarettes (or in place of the cigarettes, 4 pkgs. Smoking tobacco or 1 cut of chewing tobacco)
1 cut of chewing tobacco
20 November 1918
Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

Army C, 2nd week:
1 can pork and beans, 1 lb corned beef, 1 lb dried beans, 1 lb roast beef, 1 lb tomatoes,
1 lb of salt pork, 2 lbs corn, 2 lbs corned beef hash, 2 lbs peas, 4 lbs hard bread, 1 lb sugar,
1/2 lb cocoa, 1 lb prunes, 1 pt. vinegar, 80 cigarettes or tobacco
December 1918
Photographer: ARC. Commission to Switzerland.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Army D. 4th week
December 1918
Photographer: ARC. Commission to Switzerland.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

As soon as we have been able to secure the sizes of clothing of the individual prisoner
the following outfit is sent if needed.
1 coat O D Wollen, 1 pr. Breeches O D woolen, 2 shirts O D Woolen, 2 undershirts, 2 pr. Drawers,
1 pr. Shoes, 3 pr. Socks, 1 hat service, 3 handkerchiefs, 2 towels, 1 belt web, 1 pr. Leggings,
1 housewife, 1 auto strop razor, 1 hair brush, 1 suit pajamas
December 1918
Photographer: ARC. Commission to Switzerland.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

First Parcel.
As soon as we receive word of the camp at which a prisoner is located,
a "First Parcel" is immediately sent.
The contents of this parcel are as follows.
1 lb of corn beef, 1 lb of Roast Beef, 1 lb of Salmon, 2 lbs Hash, 1 lb of jam, 1 bar of soap,
4/5 tobacco, 1 overshirt, 1 undershirt, 2 cans of pork and beans, 1 can of tomatoes,
1 can of corn, 1 can of peas, 1 pr. Drawers, 1 tube toothpaste, 2 pr. Socks, 3 handkerchiefs,
2 towels, 2 lbs. hard bread, 1 pt. evap. Mil, 1 lb of sugar, 1 lb. of coffee, 1 toothbrush,
1 comb, 1 housewife, 1 shaving soap, 1 shaving brush
16 December 1918
Photographer: ARC. Commission to Switzerland.
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)