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prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre

German propaganda photos distributed in Switzerland

to show how happy American prisoners are in Germany.

Shoes worn by soldiers have wooden soles.

 American soldiers immediately after captured are robbed of all leather articles

and given cheap clothing.

ARC in Switzerland sends them fresh outfits of clothing and a box of food each week

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

singen buchs prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre



Exchanging French - English prisoners, Singen, Switz.

Photograph shows a prisoner exchange in Singen, Germany just north of the German/Swiss border during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2014)

between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920

Bain News Service, publisher

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

buchs prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre

U.S. Sanitary train which carried out several hundred American wounded

and unwounded privates from Rastatt on Dec. 8.

Swiss Officers and Nurses in foreground,

Train came from France through Switzerland into Germans Rastatt Prison Camp and back to France

17 February 1919

Photographer : ARC. Comm. Switzerland..

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

buchs prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre

Swiss nurses working with American Red Cross at Buchs on Austrian Swiss frontier

where trainloads of consumptive starving Italians come through en route

to Italy each week from Austrian prison camps.

All sorts of Red Cross supplies made by American women are giving these dying Italians

Photographer : ARC,.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)


buchs prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre



American, Italian and Swiss Red Cross officials at Buchs on Swiss Austrian frontier

before Italian train on which 600 tuberculosis and starving Italian soldiers

come through from Austrian prison camps,

each week. American Red Cross supplies of all sorts are distibuted

to these half naked, and dying Italians

January 1919 

Photographer : ARC, American Red Cross Com. to Italy

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

buchs prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre



Kitchen car attached at Buchs, to trainloads of consumptive and starving Italian soldiers

who come through Switzerland each week on their way to Italy and who are supplied at Buchs

on Austro Swiss frontier with American Red Cross clothing

and food supplied by nurses.

 Italian soldiers preparing food for soldiers

January 1919

Photographer : ARC, American Red Cross Com. to Switzerland.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

brienz prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre




French internes gardening in Switzerland

11 February 1919

Photographer :  ARC. Mrs. Fiske

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

franck sovicki berne prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre



Private Frank Sovicki, 338407, Company C, Fourth Infantry, of 318 East Central St., Shenandoah, PA., first Amer to escape from a German prison camp.

Frank is a Polish-American but volunteered three days after America declared war.

At the time he was captured he was attached to Company B of the Fourth Inf.

which was at hill 204 near Chateau-Thierry.

Cut off from Company C, Frank, with two other non-commissioned men hid in a shell-hole.

 Both his companions were killed by snipers.

 At night Frank tried to reach the American lines.

Seeing a group of soldiers whom he believed to be Americans he shouted:

"Don't shoot, I'm an American."

"He was felled from behind, and his gun taken from him upon reaching Switzerland on Oct. 11, 1918.

Frank said:

"I'm going right back to the trenches as soon as I reach France,

and believe me I'll get a few more before the war's over"

20 November 1918

Photographer : Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

buckley prisoner POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre


American escaped from Germany into Switzerland in July, 1918.

Notice prison outfit he wears

January 1919

Photographer : ARC. Switzerland.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

urtenen schonbuhl russian POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre

Urtenen - Schönbühl

Urtenen - Schönbühl.jpg

Russian prisoners in a German prison camp Schonbuhl

12 February 1919

Photographer : A.R.C. Mrs. Fiske.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

POW suisse switzeland ww1 1914 1918 14 18 guerre

Post Office for prisoners of war mail

11 February 1919

Photographer :  A.R.C. Mrs. Fiske.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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