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 new york hospital Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Orderlies on Hospital train leaving Hospital No 3 New York City



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


Recovering wounded veterans were transferred from the Greenhut Building

at 6th AVE and 18th St., Manhattan to the Army Hospital No. 5 at Ft. Ontario, NY by hospital train.

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Wilson aboard the King's Royal Train passing thru Alps, Italy



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Delta 135.jpg

Royal train with Pres. Wilson, station in Italian Alps

Jan 1919


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

rome italy Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18



Railway station preparing for the arrival of Wilson Party, Rome, Italy

Jan. 1919


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

italy alps Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Railway station in Italian Alps

Jan. 1919


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Locomotive on Royal Train carrying Pres. Wilson, Italian Alps,

Jan 3, 1919


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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Locomotive on King's Royal Train, Italian Alps



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

modane Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18



Railroad station in Modane



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

cormons italy Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18



Rail yards at Cormons, Italy



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

cormons italy Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18



Captured Austrian locomotive, Cormons, Italy



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

ussuri czecho slovak Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Armored train on Ussuri Ry manned by Czecho-Slovak troops 1918

Source: US Military Intelligence Memorandum, Siberia and East Russia, Vol. 1, 1918

schuylkill river Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Guarding Railroad Bridge over the Schuylkill River – 1917

Source of Photogrpah: National Archives; From RG: 165

American Unofficial Collection of World War I Photographs

peoria pekin Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Peoria and Pekin Union RR moving Holt artillery tractors from the plant

Sep. 1918

NARA 165-WW-319A-046

Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors

liberty bond train Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Rock Island Railroad brings the Liberty Bond Train into town



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165

saint nazaire Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Saint Nazaire

Saint Nazaire.jpg

Three locomotives ready for duty.

Locomotive Assembling Plant.

St. Nazaire, Loire Inferieure, France



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

liffol le grand Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Liffol le Grand

Liffol le Grand.jpg

Round house at Liffol-le-Grand Vosges, France



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

liffol le grand Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Liffol le Grand

Liffol le Grand.jpg

Rail yard at Liffol-le-Grand France



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

Apparently, only three of these fireless 0-6-0 locomotives were purchased by the Italian Railway System.

hk porter fireless Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Steam fireless H K Porter locomotive built for Italians



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111

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STD gauge 4 driver saddle tank locomotive for use overseas



Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


"In the two World Wars Porter received a modest share of special orders for steam power.

 Important World War I production included 11 0-6-0's and 41 2-8-0's for Czarist Russia, nine 0-4-0's and three 0-6-0's for Italy (including three fireless engines), seven 0-4-0T's

and five 0-6-0's for the U. S. Navy, and 51 0-6-0's for the Army.

Forty of the U. S. Army engines were 36-inch-gauge for forestry service in France;

the other 11 were used as stateside switchers.

The largest order of all was fulfilled during and after the war: 165 0-4-0T's for Italy."



Brieulles sur Bar

Brieulles sur Bar.jpg
brieulles Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Brieulles sur Meuse

Brieulles sur Meuse.jpg

"German locomotive at Brieulles.".


Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


Retrieved from the Digital Public Library of America,

Railroad rail chemin fer locomotive wagon ww1 great war guerre 14 18

Bush Terminal yard engine No. 22 1907

William J. Rugen. Bush Terminal Electric Engine #22. 1907.

Source of Photograph: National Archives RG 111


Retrieved from the Digital Public Library of America

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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