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brest woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Brest. AMERICAN RED CROSS dispensary at Brest

where treatment is given to American soldiers and sailors and also to numerous refugees.

This picture shows two refugees in the doorway,

the AMERICAN RED CROSS doctor in front of the door,

two orderlies and an AMERICAN RED CROSS chauffeur

August or September 1918.

Photographer : Guerin.ARC

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

brest refugié refugees Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Interior of AMERICAN RED CROSS dispensary at Brest

where treatment is given to American soldiers and sailors as well as refugees.

Orderlies attached to the dispensary at left and right of the picture, patients in the center

August or September 1918.

Photographer : Guerin.ARC

 American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

clarisses woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Group of repatries in court of old monastery "Les Clarisses"

which has been turned into a refuge for repatries

between 1917 and 1920]

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

tuberculose plessis piquet woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

"Terrasse" of the Edward L. Trudeau Tuberculosis Sanitorium of Plessis Piquet.

Opened on Christmas Day of 1917, by American Red Cross.

This establishment of 20 beds (which is capable of indefinite extension) is occupied

by women and children refugees sent out from Paris,

many of the patients coming from the Red Cross dispensary of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, which is deemed the worst section of the city from the standpoint of vital statistics.

Surrounded by a park about 40 acres, including woodlands, and with other land adjoining

and other land nearby also at the disposal of the Red Cross,

the site is ideal for the purpose to which it has been put


American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

saint etienne woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Saint Etienne

Saint Etienne.jpg

Street of overcrowded houses due to influx of refugees at St. Etienne.

This street has been cleaned up and conditions improved by the American Red Cross

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : Red Cross Headquarters in Paris.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

American Red Cross Metropolitan Canteens. Refugees in station canteen somewhere in France

between 1917 and 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

hachette tuberculose woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Chateau Hachette (S&O) General view. ARC tuberculosis sanatorium for women and children. Principally refugees

Photographer  : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

hachette tuberculose woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Chateau Hachette (S&O) ARC tuberculosis Sanatorium Garden of the old chateau lends itself easily

to the out of door life for tuberculosis refugees, women and children

May 1917

Photographer : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

destree canteen woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Mme. Destree's canteen

now aided by the American Red Cross Metropolitan Canteens for poor refugees

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer  : A.R.C. Headquarters in Paris

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

paris woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Shows bad housing conditions of refugees in Paris

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Every care is given to repatries after their arrival

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : Major Perkins.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

taylor blerancourt milk woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Photograph shows Mrs. Taylor, a nurse

with the Civilian Relief Committee of the American Fund for French Wounded,

distributing milk in the French village of Blérancourt;

she stands among elderly women and children and an elderly man.

International Film Service, photographer

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)


Caption label

": American Red Cross Witnesses Civilian Relief Efforts.

Established by American women living abroad, the American Fund for French Wounded provided support to French soldiers, civilians, and refugees.

The photograph's caption on the verso tells a fuller story: "Mrs. Taylor of the Civilian Relief Committee of the American Fund for the French Wounded distributing milk to the young and the old of repatriated village of Blérancourt.

Milk was unknown to these unfortunate people for three years the Germans occupied their village."

evian les bains woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Evian les Bains


"Too excited to eat."

The first square meal for many a day. Repatriates fed in the casino at Evian, where the French Government and the American Red Cross greet the repatriates coming back through the German side of the lines

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Quarters hastily constructed by A.R.C. to feed some fifteen thousand refugees

who passed through this small town in less than one week

May 1917

May 22, Western Newspaper Union, (Washington Correspondent).

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Learning of German retreat from her district,

French woman returns to find her home a heap of ruins

Photograph shows an elderly French woman, full-length portrait,

facing left, seated on the stone rubble of what once was her home in the Somme region of France; also shows a large fireplace in the background.

1917 July

Underwood & Underwood, copyright claimant

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918

Refugees form newly invaded France

who just arise as the station in a town which they are distributed waiting for the food from the ARC

May 1917

Photographer : ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

paris dieppe woman women refugié refugees enfant children Red Cross WW1 AEF 14 18 1914 1918



Refugees from Paris at Dieppe

between 1917 and 1920

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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