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galatz ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Types of children receiving American Red Cross aid.

Galatz, Roumania

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Children's welcome to Red Cross.

The children of a Roumanian town form a guard of honor

for American Red Cross officials visiting the Village.

For months the Red Cross fed and clothed these children and they took this occasion

to demonstrate their appreciation

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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With American Red Cross food in their tummies and American Red Cross clothing on their backs,

the children of Roumania are quite happy.

They are war orphans

14 August 1919

Photographer : ARC.  Balkan Comm

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

galatz ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

American Red Cross Day Nursery at Galatz, Roumania.

Before the day's studies begin, the children are marshalled in a long line,

and led across the pavement to the American Red Cross kitchens,

where they get a good substantial breakfast.

One of the native assistants in the nursery,

a smiling Roumanian refugee girl, is shown barefoot, as are most of the children

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Find children ragged, undernourished.

Perhaps the greatest calamity to be found among the destitute populations of central

and Eastern Europe is the starvation among the children.

Investigators who have been sent out by the American Red Cross report that the coming generation are in an alarming physical condition,

a large percentage of the children being deformed from lack of sufficient nutrition.

A determined effort has been commenced by these relief workers

to better the condition of these children.

They are being fed with food sent from America.

Clothes are also supplied to the children who for several years have been clad in little else

than rags such as the child in the picture is wearing

25 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Much of the effort made by relief workers to take the population of Roumania

out of the shadow of epidemics and starvation has necessarily been devoted

to the children of the country.

Everywhere they go in Roumania representatives of the American Red Cross

have been impressed with the sad plight of the children.

Schools were closed for months and in many districts because the children were too weak

from lack of food to attend classes.

A Red Cross photographer snapped a picture of this little girl,

who had been left by her mother to sleep on the hard sidewalk while she endeavored to find food.

Special hospitals have been established at many points to take care of the children

October 1919

Photographer : ARC. Roumanian Relief

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

romnica sarat ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Food for children. A picture of the American Red Cross Canteen at Romnica Sarat,

where hundreds of young people are fed each day.

Each one carries his own receptacle into which a thick nourishing soup is poured

by American workers

27 October 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

transylvania ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian girl

This is a typical gown for attendants as marriage ceremonies in Transylvania.

The children in the photo are war orphans being cared for by the American Red Cross.

They are persona grate at all ceremonies

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jassy rosana pierce mills ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Crowds of hungry women and children in front of American Red Cross canteen, Jassy.

Miss Rosana Pierce and Captain Mills,

who were in charge at this canteen are standing in front of gate.

This canteen fed about 2000 persons daily

15 September 1919 

Photographer : ARC. Roumanian Commission

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

goat chevre ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Two Roumanian orphans and the goats

they kept from falling into the hands of the invading German armies.

The mountain cave in the background shows where the children,

their mother, and the goat lived during the occupation.

The mother died in this mountain crevice and the children were found by neighbors

and taken to the A.R.C. Orphanage at Bucharest.

The goats went with them and are the pets of the institution

11 December 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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When fortune smiles on Roumanian children.

This is the that is developed.

They are among a very few of the Balkan youngsters that escaped the real hardships of War

in the near East.

They show the type of children that Roumania is capable of developing under favorable conditions.

They were snapped in the yard of an American Red Cross feeding station

while waiting for their mother who had donated her services to aid in serving

their less fortunate little fellow countrymen

29 December 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest minneapolis ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

An American Red Cross soup kitchen in Bucharest,

preparing a luncheon of American breakfast food from Minneapolis.

Six stoves of this primitive pattern are used in this canteen station, which feeds 500 children daily.

Eleven different kinds of American breakfast foods have been used by the Red Cross in Roumania and they have all been popular with the children, although the older folks prefer their native dishes

August 1919

Photographer : ARC. Balkan Commission

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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A typical American Red Cross soup kitchen in Roumania.

It is with such primitive equipment as is shown here that the Red Cross has had

to prepare food for the distribution to needy peasants

23 October 1919 

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

"C'on over skin-nay, look who's here".

Every time an American Red Cross car stops in Roumania it is surrounded by a crowd of children.

To them the American flag acts like a lamp of sugar on hungry flies.

It is through the Red Cross that the generosity and sympathy of America for these suffering people has been transmitted to the future citizens of all Europe

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

transylvanian ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Typical Transylvanian peasant children.

 The flowers they hold were gathered to present to the A.R.C. workers as they passed in their car

to distribute medical relief to the people in the remote district.

Generally the Roumanian types of womanhood are the most beautiful

to be found anywhere in Europe.

Their skins are clear.

Their features regular and eyes jet black

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

These are Roumanian peasant girls in their native costume.

It is the only dress they have had in five years, but its neat appearance shows

the personal cleanliness of these Transylvanian country people.

The American Red Cross workers, distributing relief supplies in this district, have found these people to be of extreme cleanly character in spite of their poverty

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Woman and child standing by fence of farmyard, Romania

ca 1918

(Library of Congress)

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