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jassy crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Destitute and ragged children waiting for clothing at the American Red Cross Relief Station in Jassy.

Every child was thoroughly bathed and scrubbed before getting any fresh clothes.

Although this picture was taken in mid-winter, many of the children,

as may be seen from the photograph, were without shoes or stockings.

The clothing of others consisted only of a shirt.

Captain Daniel J. McCarthy and Miss Rosana Pierce, of the American Mission, are standing in the doorway

5 February 1919

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Crying because he didn't get a fine new suit made out of American Red Cross pajama.

Types of Roumanian children, many of whom have been outfitted with new clothes

made of ARC blankets & pajamas

7 August 1919

Photographer : ARC. Balkan Commission

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

bucharest crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Mrs. Patterson of Chicago, American Red Cross, and Mrs. Prezan, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Roumanian Army, are partners in a canteen for war orphans at Bucharest.

It is an American Red Cross activity, as is indicated by the U.S. flag over the door.

Some of the children live in a government orphanage nearby,

others have been adopted by poor Roumanian families in the neighborhood.

The later pictures show types of children,

most of them wearing American Red Cross Chapter clothes

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

tulcea crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

A peasant family of Roumania returning from an American Red Cross relief station

in the Tulcea district of Roumania.

The father of this family was killed in the war and the woman and children

were found living in a hovel without bed clothing of any kind.

The mother got a supply of blankets and sheets from the Red Cross

24 October 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Roumanian Peasants waiting the distribution of clothes.

Next to food and medical attention clothing for men, women,

and children was one of the principal needs of the people of Roumania.

One of the first things that the American Red Cross did upon its arrival in Roumania was

to supply this need. In the Ilfov, where this photograph was taken,

the American Red Cross found a particularly distressing situation

and speeding set about distributing clothes to the needy

26 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Economy on Roumania is practiced by the women of the country to an alarming degree.

So prohibitive, for example are the prices of clothes that they are far beyond the means of the poor.

To save what few clothes the members of their families possess

the children are sometimes sent out nude in the summer weather.

In this way their mothers expect to save them warm garments for the winter months.

A report sent to the Paris headquarters of the American Red Cross

from Roumania representatives state that naked children are common sights

in the streets of Bucharest.

Several trainloads of clothing were sent out to better the condition of these people,

who but for the aid of the Red Cross would be compelled to face the coming winter

with little protection from exposure

October 1919

Photographer : ARC. Roumanian Relief

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

Clothed children who lived in rags.

One of the measures imposed by the Germans on the civil population of Roumania

was an order compelling them to turn over practically all the cloth in the country

that was being held for the manufacturing of garments.

As a result a large percentage of the population was left in rags when the war finally ended.

Children suffered especially in this respect.

The group of youngsters shown in this picture are an example of the condition

to which the country has been reduced.

A large part of the American Red Cross mission's work in Roumania

has been to clothe children such as these.

Distribution stations have been established in all parts of the country,

and many trainloads of supplies have been given out to the needy people

26 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

A group of Roumanian gypsy children.

It was among these wandering tribes that the American Red Cross found

some of its hardest relief work.

They had to be taught hygenic methods of living in order that the epidemics of disease

would not be spread through the country

24 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

crucea rosie red cross ww1 1914 war guerre 14-18 roumanie romania roumanian

"Who said clothes made the man".

A group of Roumanian peasants.

Note that one of the boys has nothing left but a hat,

while others are clothed in pieces of rags gathered off the battlefield.

 It was this condition of the populace that led the American Red Cross to distribute

many tons of cast off American clothing in Roumania

12 December 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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