WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
page 10

Save the Serbians from cholera
Poster showing a figure of Death reaching
down from storm clouds
to menace a devastated populace.
Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952, artist
Franco-Serbian Field Hospital of America,
17 W. 30th St., New York
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

Lined up for Breakfast.
Nine hundred children and adults are fed every day at the A.R.C. station in Prishtina, Serbia.
The children in the picture have come with their jugs for their portion of a wholesome meat
and vegetable soup which is prepared in the house.
The second little chap in line is not dressed in pajamas but his regular every day clothes.
The American woman in the center background is Miss Ruth Evans of the University Club,
New York City, who is in charge of the Station.
She is giving the child with his back to the camera a ticket with which to get some clothes.
His present garments won't hold together any longer.
Miss Ethel Ruth Evans, 105 East 22nd. St. New York City, and Glen Ridge N.J.
26 August 1919
Photographer : ARC. France
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

American Red Cross personnel.
Miss Helen H. King, Washington, D.C.
Miss Vida Mattheson, Washington, D.C.
Photographer : ARC. Commission to Serbia. Lt. P.J
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Interior of drugstore in Belgrade set up by the American Red Cross
where the inhabitants call for their much needed drug supplies.
If the natives are too weak to come for their medicines
the American surgeons and Nurses tak them to them
21 August 1919
Photographer : ARC. Balkan Comm
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

American Red Cross hospital ward at Prizren.
Wall decorations painted during the war by an Austrian artist
5 September 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

A scene at one of the American Red Cross stations in Serbia.
Any wedding is a public event in Balkan villages and here the wedding party marched to
the Red Cross Headquarters so that one of the American officers might give the bride away.
The picture was snapped just as the party was forming for the wedding march
9 December 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

A group of Serbs, who have just returned from Bulgaria where they were deported by the enemy.
They are gathered in a field in front of the American Red Cross station at Chachack,
where they were fed and the sick given medical treatment.
Men, women and children have suffered months of imprisonment under the invader
but the sight of home has wiped much of the horrible memoried from their mind
11 December 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Fifty dollars worth of firewood.
To keep the soup kettles at the American Red Cross station at Skoplje a boiling,
this wood was hauled from the Albanian mountains a distance of 12 miles.
It took the small ox team two days to make the trip.
So scarce is wood for fuel in Serbia that one resident offered fifty dollars to the driver for the load
19 November 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

The American mother of 300 Serbs. Miss Clara G. Lewis,
who is in charge of the American Red Cross orphanage at Belgrade, Serbia.
She has under her care 300 War orphans and is bringing them up according
to American standards of Child welfare.
They have a well equipped American playground, workshop, etc.
12 December 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

American Industrial School in Serbia.
At Belgrade, Serbia, the American Red Cross has established an orphanage
where 300 young victims of the war are being cared for.
Industrial classes have been started including
designing, shoe making, basket weaving, pottery, rug making, and furniture making.
This shows an open air class in shoe making at work in the yard of the orphanage.
In the background can be seen Major G.H. Edwards, of Orlando, Fla.,
and Miss Mary L. Barry, of Louisville, Ky.,
the Red Cross workers in charge of the industrial school
February 1920
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Young Serbia at play.
Serbian children enjoying American games for the first time.
After feeding the serbian children the A.R.C. introduced playgrounds for them.
These were built by German prisoners alongside the schools
which were reopened after a four years' holiday.
The picture shows the playgrounds provided in the capital of Belgrade
26 August 1919
Photographer : ARC.Serbian Com
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Young Serbia at play.
Serbian children enjoying American games for the first time.
After feeding the serbian children the A.R.C. introduced playgrounds for them.
These were built by German prisoners alongside the schools
which were reopened after a four years' holiday.
The picture shows the playgrounds provided in the capital of Belgrade
26 August 1919
Photographer : ARC.Serbian Com
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Young Serbia at Play.
German prisoners in Belgrade, capital of Serbia, made a crude imitation of
the American merry-go-round for the Serbian children who are enjoying their first play
after an interruption of four years.
The merry-go-round is made of ordinary lumber, a few strands of steel cables
and four American Automobile wheels
30 August 1919
Photographer : ARC.Serbian Com
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Young Serbia at play.
Serbian children enjoying American games for the first time.
After feeding the Serbian children the American Red Cross introduced playgrounds for them,
these were built by German prisoners in Belgrade along side the schools which were opened
after a four years holiday the games
the children play are not much different from these enjoyed by American children.
"Ring-around-a-rosy" is very popular
30 August 1919
Photographer : ARC.Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Tubercular children of Serbia.
A typical tuberculosis camp established for sick children of the Balkans.
It is these children that the American Red Cross is attempting to help
in its continued program of medical relief for Serbia
25 November 1919
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Serbian Boy Scout Camp, Vodan
27 August 1919
Photographer : ARC
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Child type in Jugo-Slavia [sic]
If the Junior Red Cross of America plans for industrial training school centers throughout Serbia materialize thousands of miserable children will derive permanent good from them.
The type shown in this picture is found everywhere, especially in the region recently included
in the Yugo-Slav territory.
Homeless, hungry and uncared for they are wandering at large finding food
and shelter when they can.
If educated along vocational lines they might soon be useful members of society
and fill the ranks of Serbia's depleted labor
22 July 1920
Photographer : ARC. Paris Office
American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)