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Serbie A.jpg
serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Typical Serbian Woman

19 February 1919 

Photographer : ARC. Comm. to Serbia

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Serbian refugees

14 February 1919

Photographer : ARC. Comm. to Serbia

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Serbian woman spinning

10 March 1919 

Photographer : ARC

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Aged Serbians carrying home gifts of American Red Cross

August 1919

Photographer : ARC.  Balkan Comm

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Delivering Red Cross supplies at Pirot, Serbia.

The roads in many parts of Serbia are so bad

that supplies can only be delivered by carts and sleds drawn by oxen

7 August 1919

Photographer : ARC. Balkan Com

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

One of the principal industries among the peasants of Serbia is rug making.

The girls in the picture are transferring wool from the rough to spindles

12 August 1919

Photographer : ARC.Balkan Com

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Children at American Red Cross Orphanage in Belgrade, Serbia.

They have their cups in hand, awaiting the luncheon hour.

Most of the garments are either secondhand American clothing or garments made up

from cloth furnished from America.

These children are all war orphans, of whom there are many thousand in every district of Serbia

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Children at American Red Cross Orphanage in Belgrade, Serbia.

They have their cups in hand, awaiting the luncheon hour.

Most of the garments are either secondhand American clothing or garments made up

from cloth furnished from America.

These children are all war orphans, of whom there are many thousand in every district of Serbia

22 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Erena Soirebi, an 11 year old Serbian beauty who came to the American Red Cross barracks at Second River as a refugee, with whole family in distress.

Her mother is standing

11 September 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Starving peasant women who have appealed to the American Red Cross for help at Pirot Serbia,

one of them has already received a knitted woolen sweater made in Buffalo, N.Y.

August 1919.

Photographer : ARC. Balkan Comm

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

"A wilderness of rags," is the description travellers give of devastated Serbia

and the garb of these small Serbians tells why.

Thousands of men, women and children in this unhappy land and others that were laid waste

by the Hun must wear clothing like this until civilized garments reach them

from the nationwide collection of used clothing, shoes and blankets conducted by the A.R.C.

for the refugees in Allied Countries

5 March 1919

Photographer : ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Children of Monastir calling at the depot of the A.R.C. set up in an old shelled building

for their rations of bread, lard and other foodstuffs sent from the United States

to check the starvation in Southern Serbia.

Each of the inhabitants is given a two pound loaf of bread,

a pound of rice, beans and sugar each week

26 August 1919

Photographer : ARC. Serbian Comm

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

A table cover serves as overcoat for this Serbian schoolboy.

The ancient vintage of his trousers and shoes is only too apparent.

Regular clothes will make life really worth living and that he may have them the American Red Cross is conducting a nationwide collection of used clothing, shoes and blankets for the refugees

in devastated allied countries

5 March 1919

Photographer : ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

Misery knows neither sex nor age in devastated Serbia.

This old man doesn't need a top hat nor a frock coat but some old gentleman's cast-off clothing

to take the place of the indescribable garment he now wears would ease his declining years.

For him and thousands like him the A.R.C. is conducting

a nationwide collection of used clothing, shoes and blankets

5 March 1919

Photographer : ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

serbia ww1 guerre mondiale  уништење, глад, светски рат, рат 14-18, амерички, црвени крст

The only priest left at the monastery of Grachinitca on the famous Kossovo plain in Serbia.

All the other monks of the monastery were either slain or driven out by the enemy

and the ancient institution stripped of its relics and treasures.

Upon the arrival of the American Red Cross this old priest cooperated

with the American organization in extending relief to the destitute of the district

25 November 1919

Photographer : ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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