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soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale


King, W. L. (William Lester), photographer

King, W. L. (William Lester), copyright claimant

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

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What is left of what was once a comfortable home, but was in the path of the Hun at Soissons

July 1918

Photographer: Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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The American Red Cross has a long arm when it comes to helping the helpless.

Here are two girls working among the ruins of Soissons.

The camion brings supplies to them each day, so that they may run their canteen efficiently

16 December 1918

United States Army Signal Corps, photographer

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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william darcy soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale
soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Lt. William Darcy, of the American Red Cross, in what is left of one of the streets at Soissons, France

13 November 1918

Photographer: Joseph A. Collin

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

house marin phillis soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Bomb hole in yard. A.R.C. Cantine Soissons.

Capt. House, Drivers Martin and Phillis

American Red Cross workers in the backyard of the American Red Cross headquarters at Soissons, among the ruins of a wall destroyed by a German shell

29 January 1918

Photographer: C.H. Bissell, Miss Harper,

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

red cross croix rouge poste secours poilu soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Poste de secours near Soissons were many wounded French soldiers were brought in

from the trenches for first dressings

by Norton Harjes AMERICAN RED CROSS Ambulance corps

between 1914 and 1920

Photographer : M. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

norton harjes ambulance soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Members of the Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps. (AMERICAN RED CROSS)

in German trench at Soissons captured by the French

2 April 1917

Photographer : M. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

norton harjes soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Two members of the Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps (AMERICAN RED CROSS)

and a French soldier standing beside a shell hole near Soissons.

(Spring 1917).

AMERICAN RED CROSS ambulance in background


Photographer : M. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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Near Soissons.

A wounded soldier being brought in from the trenches carrying a trophy that he will not give up

November 1917

Photographer : French Official

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

soissons guerre 1914 1918 14 18 ww1 mondiale

Cozy German dug-out with windows and flowers in pots captured by French near Soissons.

Spring 1917

Photographer : M. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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