WW1 - 1914-1918
" Looks of War photographers "
" Regards de photographes de Guerre"
9000 photos
438 pages
General Yamashita, who planned the strategy of the Allied troops in Kiaochow
6,000 Chinese coolies pushed rail carts of munitions and supplies
from Lauschan to the front a Tsingtau. 1914
Japanese infantry men carring 50 lb. pack-sacks - 1915
Japanese bomber at the Tschang-tsun aerodrome preparing to bomb Tsingtau 1915
Japanese victors fall asleep as amused Germans look on.
Gen. Horiuchi and troops standing on the wall of Fort Moltke after the German surrender
Victorious Japanese Army enters Tsingtau
Attache's of the United States, Greece, Spain and France
view the Japanese Army in front of the Asiatic-Deutsch Bank.
Gen. Barnardiston and British Expeditionary Force passing in review before Gen. Kamio,
Tsingtau - Nov. 16, 1914
Prince Heinrich Hotel is shown in the background.
It had been used as a hospital by the Germans during the siege.