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elmira fod chemical WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Ford Chemical Cars at American La France in Elmira 1917


Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG:165; Fire Prevention

fwd WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

FWD [four wheel drive] Model B 3 ton truck



Source of Photograph: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress.

fwd WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

FWD Model B, 3-ton truck Army Motor Transport Corps in Auto Trade Assoc. Parade Wash DC

June 28, 1919


Source of Photograph: Library of Congress, National Photo Company Collection.

harley davidson twin side WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Harley Davidson Model 18-F 3-speed Twin with Side Car for use by US Army



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles

benjamin holt ernest swinton WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Benjamin Holt, Pres. Holt Manufacturing Co. and Col. Ernest Swinton, British Army, in Stockton, CA April 1918

NARA 165-WW-315A-029

Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

holt tractor WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Large Holt tractor pulling stumps, Camp Upton. Yaphsnk, LI



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

marfa texas holt tractor WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918
The Road to Nowhere - Texas Monthly.jpg

Quartermaster Corps vehicle tests at Marfa, TX

Holt tractor pulling wagon train thru Pinto Canyon



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

This was called the Road to No Where.

It became rather famous in 1917 as an Army Testing route

for trucks that the Army might want to buy or 'steal'.

The Quartermaster General was stuck in March of 1917 when Congress went home

without passing the appropriation bill needed for him to buy trucks for supplying the troops stationed along the Mexican/American border in Texas

after we pulled our Punitive Expedition out of Mexico.

So he invited the manufacturers of trucks to bring them down to Marfa, TX to demonstrate how well or not so well they performed.

The companies did bring their best and that is how the Quartermaster Corps

was able to feed and equip our troops in the border region.

wallis tractor WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Soldier practice plowing with Wallis Tractor at the J. I. Case Plow Works, Racine, WI



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

caterpillar epernay WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918
Divers 147A.jpg



Caterpillar Repair Organization in Epernay,

France 1918


Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors - In Use

line drive tractor WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Line Drive Tractor in Army promotion, NYC



Source of Photograph: National Archives, RG-165, Motor Vehicles - Tractors

white motors runabout WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

New recuits getting a tour of the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in White Motors Runabout



Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group 165, Navy - Training Stations

WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

Winther truck at a Naval Training Center



Source of Photograph: National Archives Record Group 165, Navy - Training Stations

German WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

German Army auto with wire cutter

Photograph shows a German Army automobile during World War I.

(Source: Flickr Commons project, 2011)

between ca. 1914 and ca. 1915

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

WW1 world war truck vehicule car 1914 1918

German motor trucks

between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920

Bain News Service, publisher

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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