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Verdun, France, 1919

King, W. L. (William Lester), photographer

King, W. L. (William Lester), copyright claimant

"Photo by W. L. King, Millersberg, Ohio; by courtesy of Military Intelligence Div., General Staff, U.S. Army."

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

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The city of Verdun, from The Citadel, showing French observatory post on the left

1919 ?

Schutz Group Photographers (Washington, D.C.), photographer

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Entrance to the famous city of Verdun, strongly held by the French

1918 ?

Schutz Group Photographers (Washington, D.C.), photographer

Library of Congress

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Anti-tank barrier, made of reinforced concrete posts & heavy cables, front of German lines,

Bet Etain & Verdun


Schutz Group Photographers (Washington, D.C.), photographer

Library of Congress

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Verdun - "They shall not pass!" / photographs by Helen Johns Kirtland, Leslie's staff correspondent.

Five images showing the ruins of buildings,

including a cathedral interior, in Verdun, France after World War I.

Kirtland, Helen Johns, 1890-1979, photographer

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

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Photograph taken in Verdun (1916) showing destruction caused by shells


Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Road near Verdun before German attack

between 1914 and 1920

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

Same road as 2312 showing destruction caused by shelling,

2 August 1916

Photographer:  ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain robida


A. Robida.

Villes de Gloire et de Souffrance, lithographies originales par A. Robida.

coquemer verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Verdun, road to Y.M.C.A. canteen / A.K.S. ;

sketched on spot by Y.M.C.A. secretary ;

Coquemer imp. Paris.

Poster showing a canteen entrance with soldiers below an arch; the street is strewn with rubble.


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington,

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

A street in Verdun.

October 1917

Print from Red Cross Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

toussaint maurice verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain


Soldiers marching beside a river and over a bridge into a shelled Verdun.

 The battle of Verdun in 1916 was the longest and costliest battle -- in terms of lives -- of the war.

Toussaint, Maurice, 1882-, artist


Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

A present-day street in Verdun.

The German artillery fire on Verdun has been terrific.

Most of the buildings are total wrecks and the air of desolation that now prevails is pathetic

December 1917

Prints from R.C. Magazine, copyright released for Red Cross slide department.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

russian tranchee verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Russian trenches.

December 1917 

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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