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gloria verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

French military cemetery at Gloria near Verdun.

Here many hundreds of the heroes of Verdun are buried,

each grave being decorated with the colors of France


Photographer: M. Cordoza

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

jarru jean françois saint benoit ain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
jarru jean françois saint benoit ain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
roulies georges maurice bordeaux verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
roulies georges maurice bordeaux verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
leveque françois verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
moreau verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain
verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Decoration devised by soldiers at the entrance of the Soldiers' cemetery at Gloria, near Verdun

between 1914 and 1920

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, 18 Juin 18. ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Winter landscape showing desolation caused by shelling near Verdun


Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Norton-Harjes ambulance man (AMERICAN RED CROSS)

at work among the wounded in the streets of Verdun

where they were brought in too fast to be taken of

18 June 1918

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Hole made by German shell in wall of building near Verdun used as kitchen for the Norton Harjes (AMERICAN RED CROSS) Ambulance Corps

18 Juin 18

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, 18 Juin 18. ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

French wounded soldiers carried by the Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps (AMERICAN RED CROSS)

to the first dressing station.

They are leaving the station for the evacuation hospital behind the lines near Verdun.

Spring 1917

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Entrance to the city of Verdun. (Spring 1917)

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

U.S. Army Infantry troops, African American unit, marching northwest of Verdun, France,

in World War I

5 Nov 1918

Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps

Library of Congress

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

At Verdun.

String of burros carrying supplies to the trenches

between 1914 and 1920

Photographer: M. Cordoza

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

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