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verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

French Chaplain and two French doctors

with Norton Harjes (AMERICAN RED CROSS) ambulance near Verdun


Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain


AMERICAN RED CROSS supply car wrecked by six shells which struck it in ten seconds.

Two Norton Harjes (AMERICAN RED CROSS) ambulance men

who were present escaped injury by throwing themselves flat on the ground.


Photographer: M. Cordoza

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Verdun Citadel. Dental clinic

January 1918.

Photographer: E. Ratisbonne

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

[close up]

Verdun Citadel. Dental clinic

January 1918.

Photographer: E. Ratisbonne

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Members of Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps (AMERICAN RED CROSS)

watching aerial combat near Verdun

18 June 1918

Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, 18 Juin 18. ARC. Paris Office

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

With the American ambulance at Verdun

October 1917

Print from Red Cross Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

An American Ambulance in Verdun.

December 1917 

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Ambulance and first aid station at Verdun

December 1917 

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Norton-Harjes (AMERICAN RED CROSS) ambulance parked near Verdun ready for action


Photographer: Mr. Cordoza, ARC.

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

A first aid station near Verdun

December 1917

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Headquarters of the Norton Harjes (American Red Cross Ambulance) Ambulance Corps

at Gloria near Verdun. (Spring 1917)


Photographer: ARC Commission to France

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

With the American Ambulance at Verdun.

December 1917

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

With the American Ambulance at Verdun.

December 1917

Print from R.C. Magazine. Copyright released for Red Cross Slide Department

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Refugee from near Verdun who was found homeless and moneyless

by the American Red Cross in Paris.

He asks for a place as a house servant in order that he may earn some money,

now that all the men have gone to war

April 1918

Photographer : ARC commission to France.

verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain verdun france ww1 guerre mondiale 191 1918 14 18 americain

Twenty British Generals visit Verdun.

 Verdun was recently the meeting place of twenty British Generals.

 The photograph shows them gathered about the doorway of the barracks.

 They can easily be distinguished from the French Generals by their helmets

between 1917 and 1920

Photographer : International Film Service

American National Red Cross photograph collection (Library of Congress)

© 2018 - Patrick Milan - George Lane   

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